Ocaso’s knives are an elegant representation of class, utility and style. Here’s my review of their classic Solstice from Andrew Demko.

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Ocaso’s knives are an elegant representation of class, utility and style. Here’s my review of their classic Solstice from Andrew Demko.
The Woox Knives Leggenda folding knife is a gorgeous EDC knife option from Italy by way of North Carolina. This one was at TRIGGRcon 2023.
The MILF series are MILSPEC knife options from Halfbreed Blades by way of Hardcore Hardware Australia. Check out the Large Bush too.
Olive Drab, much like woodland camo, has that old-school cool feeling with it. However, some olive drab things differ from the Woodland camo in that they don’t draw a ton of attention and have become a bit more mainstream. Here are some not-so-drab EDC items that won’t break the bank.
The ZT 0920 folding knife designed by Les George checks every box. Badass custom designer, top tier materials, smooth action, and a little bit of Bling tastefully done.
This week’s Monday Night Knife Fight features the Emerson CQC-7: many say its the Father of all tactical knives. Read about man who designed it, who carries it, distinguishing features, and where to find it.
The GiantMouse Ace Clyde is a sexy new folding knife with a satin-finished brass handle. Over time the handle will develop a patina for its own unique look.
There’s a new EDC folder available in the Giantmouse ACE Biblio lineup. This one is in Titanium Blue. More sharp, stabby goodness from Ansø & Voxnaes.
Ka-Bar recently released a new folder, the “Jarosz”, designed by custom knifemaker Jesse Jarosz.
In this episode of MNKF, we take a look at a modern take on an old classic knife. Alexander Crown reviews the Southern Specialties Folding Pocket Set 7P.