The 8.6 Blackout cartridge (8.6 BLK) is an interesting round. It was developed by Kevin Brittingham of Q with a handful of manufacturers.
AuthorMad Duo
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Die Hard Christmas: YES, it’s a Christmas Movie
There are many who ask the question, "Is Die Hard a Christmas movie?" The answer a pig's ass pork? Of course, Die Hard is a Christmas movie. And so is its sequel. Hell, it might as well be called A Die Hard Christmas. Or maybe John McCane and the...
Simple Jack Carbine: from Sons of Liberty Gun Works and AT
The Sons of Liberty Gun Works Simple Jack Carbine is a signature rifle specced out by Ambrosia Terrebonne in collaboration with SOLGW. Check it out.
Language Lessons: Suppressor POI Shift
Shift in point of impact with a mounted silencer can happen for a variety of reasons. We’ll dive into suppressor POI shift.
Murk: Merk Definition and Murk Meaning
“Murk” is a slang term for murder, i.e. “to kill someone.” It’s a transitive verb sometimes spelled “merk.” See also “murked out.”
Back the Bang: Special Events and Promo Code Offers is one of our preferred online gun stores. We keep an eye on what they have going on so we can maintain this list of promo code offers. You’re welcome.
MCX for Sale: Use, History, Price, and Availability
The SIG MCX is for sale, new and used, in many configurations. We’ll look at each model, each SIG MCX price, and some pertinent trivia.
Shines the Name Rodger Young!
You don’t have to be assigned to Second Platoon, George Company, Third Regiment (MI) to shop from the Rodger Young (SST-176) ship store…and there is some cool stuff in there.
Pocket Carry with the Pocket Shield
We have often spotted those of our friends who’re packing heat, not by the “printing” of their weapon, but by eyeballing their spare mags. Belt mounted mag pouches tend to push the magazine away from the body and stick straight up high of the belt line. In the pocket, the thicker pants material and “flat” of your thigh helps break up the shape.
Glock Performance Trigger Review: Never Read the Comments
Designed for competition, the Glock Performance Trigger is a new Glock trigger upgrade from the Austrian company itself.