Long and short are often used to describe firearms technology. The most critical items are gas pistons and actions.
TagLanguage Lessons
Wondering what various gun terms mean? Here’s where you learn.
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Jeff Cooper’s Color Code | You’re Doing it Wrong
If you’re going to teach Cooper’s Colors, don’t teach it as advocating a mythical and unattainable concept of situational awareness. Teach it as the man intended: mental preparation for the decision to press the trigger. The “situational awareness” interpretation of his code is fundamentally flawed.
Striker Fired: What’s a Striker-Fired Pistol, You Ask?
Striker-fired technology came along before Gaston Glock got into the gun market, and now that the tech is here to stay, there are quite a few other firearms with the action, too. If you’d like to learn more about striker-fired gun history, you’ve come to the right place.
Dual Wielding: A Movie Trope We Wish Was That Easy
Dual Wielding weapons is a technique that looks extremely impressive. The movies make it look easy, but is it effective in the real world?
IWB vs AIWB vs OWB: A Guide to Concealed Carry Positions
When you make the decision to carry concealed, one important consideration is where on your body you will conceal your weapon.
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Language Lessons: Suppressor POI Shift
Shift in point of impact with a mounted silencer can happen for a variety of reasons. We’ll dive into suppressor POI shift.
Murk: Merk Definition and Murk Meaning
“Murk” is a slang term for murder, i.e. “to kill someone.” It’s a transitive verb sometimes spelled “merk.” See also “murked out.”
Double Action or Single Action – A Primer
What does double action mean? What does single action mean? That’s the question, and today we plan to give you the answer.
Recce Rifle: Check Yourself Before You Recce Yourself!
The term Recce is getting thrown around a whole lot these days. Today we are going to talk all about the Recce rifle.
The AMR: Anti-Materiel Rifle
An anti-materiel rifle (AMR) is a large bore rifle system, often chambered in .50BMG, 12.7mm, or 14.5mm, designed for use against vehicles or emplacements. The roots of the anti-materiel rifle may be traced back to the First World War when the first anti-tank...