The Vertx SOCP Tactical Fanny Pack has been updated with some useful features and new colors. Read how it’s laid out and why you should care.

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The Vertx SOCP Tactical Fanny Pack has been updated with some useful features and new colors. Read how it’s laid out and why you should care.
The Vertx Commuter Sling is able to walk the line between blending in and disappearing and standing out as a recognizable brand.
We’ve gathered the cream of the crop of micro compacts for your reading and viewing (and maybe shooting) pleasure.
When you make the decision to carry concealed, one important consideration is where on your body you will conceal your weapon.
Finding the right holster position is tough. It is tougher if you are portly. Read on to learn more about nuances of holster placement for maximum comfort and concealment.
We have often spotted those of our friends who’re packing heat, not by the “printing” of their weapon, but by eyeballing their spare mags. Belt mounted mag pouches tend to push the magazine away from the body and stick straight up high of the belt line. In the pocket, the thicker pants material and “flat” of your thigh helps break up the shape.
The Taurus GX4 is a well-designed micro compact 9mm that offers a less costly alternative to the current crop of big selling little guns.
I did some miles with the Alexo Concealed Carry Leggings and felt very confident carrying with them. Ladies, go grab a pair!
Comfort and accessibility are a big reason I carry OWB, and I’ve come to find that the Crucial Concealment Covert OWB holster offers me both.
Add a couple extra rounds to your Glock 26 with the Strike Industries EMP. The Extended magazine plate adds more control and capacity with ease.