AuthorAaron Haskins

Aaron Haskins is a former Army officer (19A) and combat veteran, turned professional decision scientist. He holds a Master of Science in Economics from Purdue University, and makes his living as a behavioral and complex systems economist and risk management consultant for high risk industries. He is also an NRA certified instructor and amateur IDPA competitor who regularly attends firearms and self-defense training courses, and has studied and practiced various martial arts extensively for over two decades. He is the owner and chief firearms instructor of Acuto Training Concepts, LLC, and is the research coordinator for the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus.

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Risk management principles and the firearm | no such thing as “safe”

Risk management principles and the firearm | no such thing as “safe”

The Four Safety Rules are a remarkably effective system of layered risk management strategies.  But they aren’t the only strategies we have available, and in many activities, they simply aren’t enough.  Which of the Four Safety Rules prevents a piece of t-shirt or old worn-out leather (or hybrid) holster getting caught in a trigger guard and pressing the trigger during reholstering?  Which of the Four Safety Rules prevents a piece of shrapnel from bouncing off a target back into a shooter’s eyes at the range?  The Four Safety Rules are great for reducing the risk associated with unintentionally pressing the trigger with your finger, and the Second Rule is a great mitigation for almost any type of unintentional discharge.  But there are many other risks associated with operating a firearm, and we need to manage those risks, too.

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