There’s no question good equipment directly affects a fighting man’s lethality, but what about competence, preparation, and mindset?

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There’s no question good equipment directly affects a fighting man’s lethality, but what about competence, preparation, and mindset?
This article originally appeared on Modern Service Weapons. It appears here in its entirety at the behest of the author and with the approval of their editor. Grunts: behest. LOOKING TO ATTEND A TRAINING COURSE? Here Are Some Things You...
This article originally ran in December of 2014. Great jumpin' dogshit. What the fuck are we seeing here? No, this isn't satire. Nor is it intended to be funny (though it succeeds at that remarkably)....
Training isn't always a Good Thing - good training is a Good Thing, and good record keeping makes it better. Today Jared Ross is gonna help you maximize the time, energy, effort and money you put into training. [content_block id=79358...
The Four Safety Rules are a remarkably effective system of layered risk management strategies. But they aren’t the only strategies we have available, and in many activities, they simply aren’t enough. Which of the Four Safety Rules prevents a piece of t-shirt or old worn-out leather (or hybrid) holster getting caught in a trigger guard and pressing the trigger during reholstering? Which of the Four Safety Rules prevents a piece of shrapnel from bouncing off a target back into a shooter’s eyes at the range? The Four Safety Rules are great for reducing the risk associated with unintentionally pressing the trigger with your finger, and the Second Rule is a great mitigation for almost any type of unintentional discharge. But there are many other risks associated with operating a firearm, and we need to manage those risks, too.
All you need to keep your skills intact is about fifteen minutes and fifty rounds a week. This is the exact program I used when I was working patrol and then assigned to a specialized unit where my range time was limited. Now look, this isn’t going to get you better. It’s a pure sustainment program and is what I consider the bare minimum for anyone who carries a pistol professionally. If you added a couple of five-minute dry practice sessions per week, you’d be way ahead of the game, but hey…let’s not get all crazy here.
Good advice is a Good Thing, though it does you no Good at all if you don't pay attention. It's also Good to spread Good Advice, so here we are, doing Good. Today's Saturday Screed is some advice on preceptoring (that's our word, we made it up), or being a Good...
Shot timers or not? Are they of any real use? We like a good round or three of debate if learning occurs and, of course, if it’s civil.
Knowing your wrenches is an important part of any line of work, Law Enforcement is no different - in this article Cowan explains what that means. I've been in law enforcement for some time now. I...
Merrill weighs in with some quick tips. What would you add? Mad Duo So you Wanna Take a Shooting Course? Dave Merrill Firstly, good on ya. There are a lot of places to choose from but this post isn't about that whatsoever. Shooting courses are expensive. But...