This article originally appeared on Modern Service Weapons. It appears here in its entirety at the behest of the author and with the approval of their editor. Grunts: behest. LOOKING TO ATTEND A TRAINING COURSE? Here Are Some Things You...
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SOF Technical Kits – Upgunning Trucks In Foreign Lands
SOCOM’s proposed PB-NSCV is intended to augment or replace the hundreds of technical vehicles SOF personnel currently use around the world.
We Live in Aleppo. Here’s How We Survive | the Syrian War
Omar Shaaban is a Syrian citizen who explains how he and his family were handling their wartime experiences nearly two years ago. Written from a personal perspective, his writing gives details and stories that illuminate the profound effects the war has had on their lives.
The Value of a Barbecue Gun
Barbecue Gun was a functional gun that might have some custom engraving, polishing, or custom grips. Other terms include Church Gun and Court Gun.
The Philando Castile Shooting – Some Advice for Cop Readers
This article originally appeared on Active Response Training. It appears here in its entirety with permission. If you’re smart enough to read Breach-Bang-Clear on a regular basis, then you'll have heard of Gorillafritz (Greg Ellifritz), the guy who runs A.R.T. Good...
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Brain Dump: the Graham Combat Killhouse
This article originally appeared on Glock Talk (which you should be keeping an eye one, if you're not already). We know the author and trust his judgment, which is why you've been given the chance to read what he thinks. Mad Duo AAR: GRAHAM COMBAT KILLHOUSE...
Fitness Training Tips from Taylor Drescher
This article originally appeared on Tactical 360. It appears here in its entirety on their behalf, and with their permission. Mad Duo Fitness Training Tips from Taylor DrescherAs seen on Tactical 360. Taylor Drescher is a third generation U.S. Marine,...
Glock Grip Force Adapter- MILITARY MORONS
This article originally appeared online at Military Morons. It appears here in its entirety with MM's permission. If you're a regular reader of Breach-Bang-Clear, you already know that's one of the sites we keep an eye on. The reviews there are succinct, unfailingly...
Rogak P18 – A Cautionary Tale of Manufacturing
The Rogak P18 is an interesting misfortune in the history of US firearm manufacturing. Ian McCollum tells us its story.