Don’t get your ass kicked. Studying violence is important! So what should a civilian combatant learn or prioritize regarding fighting?

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Don’t get your ass kicked. Studying violence is important! So what should a civilian combatant learn or prioritize regarding fighting?
We all know – on an intellectual level, at least – that the best way to win a fight is to avoid it in the first place.
This image and quote showed up a while back on Ed's Manifesto, a blog we follow. We reckon it to be very sound advice.It is for this very reason we like to go back and study what old gunfighters have to say - to that end, those of you who're interested might check out...
Verbalization is something that doesn’t get nearly the attention it should in training. This is unfortunate, because it’s important for what we are training for. No, important isn’t strong enough a word; it is essential. This may come as a surprise to some, but many,...
Graham Combat: ARAINDROP Environmental Manipulation AAR Tradecraft. We're not talking about all the skills and knowledge Robert Scott used to get the President's daughter back or all the methods Edward Lyle used to stay off the grid. We're talking about things you can...
Sometimes it's easy to explain why someone ends up dead. Sometimes, not so much (particularly if the reasons or causes are ambiguous). It would be nice if everything was as cut, dried and clear at the time of the event as it is in hindsight, but that's just not...
ALCON - Today's article comes to you from our resident warrior princess Ell P. Though we've introduced her before, we have many thousands of new readers (which is humbling, by the way), so we'll remind you that you can read the background of our minions here. She is...
Violence isn’t a bad word. It’s just a word, and understanding it (including when it is a valid response) is key to preparing to (re)act.