This’ll get you thinking about making use of what’s available to you in whatever environment you’re in, should you need improvised weapons.

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This’ll get you thinking about making use of what’s available to you in whatever environment you’re in, should you need improvised weapons.
Life Pattern Awareness: Tracking For Hearth and Home Vigilance of the Tracker Freddy Osuna You are your family’s keeper and protector. Ingrained in us are amazing protective abilities to ensure the safety, preservation, and quality of life for the ones we love. If I...
This article originally appeared on Active Response Training. It appears here in its entirety with permission. If you’re smart enough to read Breach-Bang-Clear on a regular basis, then you'll have heard of Gorillafritz (Greg Ellifritz), the guy who runs A.R.T. Good...
The easiest way to get out of an ambush or win a fight is not to get in it. Don't just pay attention to your surroundings, understand the significance of what you're seeing — because sometimes, what looks scary, isn't. Sometimes what looks innocuous, is not. Truth is,...
Self evidencing training bias. Agkistrodon contrortix. Heuristics. Amodal completion. You guessed it, COWAN! is once again talking about training. Breach-Bang-Clear. The Snake is a Stick Aaron Cowan. We are diurnal predators by nature. We hunt and forage by daylight....
Sometimes it's easy to explain why someone ends up dead. Sometimes, not so much (particularly if the reasons or causes are ambiguous). It would be nice if everything was as cut, dried and clear at the time of the event as it is in hindsight, but that's just not...
Situational Awareness has been on the lips of preachy firearms instructors for years. As if anyone outside of a warzone has time for that! It requires constant scanning of your surroundings, threat assessment, figuring out the baseline of your surroundings, reading...
Own your ground. Stay safe, remain dangerous! Be polite and respectful to those you meet but have a plan to kill or evade every one of them. Today will be the last day of our week-long emphasis on How not to be a sheep. We took a break yesterday so we could...