Very few know the story behind this slice of internet absurdity, so we fingered what better week to tell it to you, than this week of independence?
AuthorNate Murr
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William Guarnere: Wild Bill Goes To Join His Brothers
William Guarnere (“Wild Bill”) was a paratrooper of the storied Easy Company, 506th PIR – and a huge influence on one of our writers.
1,300 rounds later: The SSVI TYR Glock Trigger
Nathan takes the SSVI Tyr Glock trigger for an intensive 1,300 round review. See how it fairs.
Vertx Gamut EDC Bag / SBR Backpack Review
Looking for an SBR backpack that’s also a customizable EDC bag? Look no further than the Vertx Gamut. It’s an excellent piece of kit.
Magpul AK Zhukov Stock and More
The Magpul AK Zhukov stock and handguards were released back in 2015. There have been many more badass AK accessories coming from Magpul (and others!) since then.
Back the Bang:
Not Your Daddy’s Lock Back: Spyderco Civilian
The SpyderCo Civilian is hardly your daddy’s lockback. It’s a specialized design, not terribly useful as an EDC knife, but it has its uses. Read up on it.
FPF Training: Concealed Carry Vehicle Environment Skills Class
FPF Training: Concealed Carry Vehicle Environment Skills class Nathan Murr “Americans are in love with their cars, and many of us spend hours every day in our vehicles commuting and interacting with society at 60 mph. The criminal and anti-social element is mobile as...
The bübi: A Collapsible Bottle You Can Boil Water In?
Initially we thought that this was impossible. A collapsible, synthetic material water bottle you can boil water in?
Hazard 4 Takedown Carbine Sling Pack:
As an all-in-one transport/range bag for your favorite blaster the Takedown is likely to please. Throw some World Wildlife Federation decals on it for camo.
Review | S&S Precision 757 “Concealment Jeans”
It may be shocking to learn, but our minions are both in the habit of wearing pants and carrying guns--often at the same time. If you find yourself in this situation on occasion, then this article is for you. Mad Duo Review: S&S Precision 757 "Concealment...