AuthorEllen Pucciarelli

A longtime student of various martial arts and proponent of critical thinking, Ell is a dedicated mom and zealous shooter who pursues new skills (from mindset to gunfighting) with a zen-like intensity. She's also a doctor with an extensive background in acupuncture and herbalism (no shit). Perhaps not surprisingly she can often be found wearing a pashmina, eating granola and reciting poetry at the Cafe Roads with Charlie McKenzie to the sound of snapping fingers. We appreciate both her ferocity for life and the fact that she views things through a different, though percipient, lens than most of us. Also because she can - and will - use that pashmina as a garrote.

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Life is all tracking

Life is all tracking

The Greenside tracking school, if you'll forgive us calling it that, isn't specifically for the military "combat tracker", nor for what first responders have taken to calling the "tactical tracker." Greenside teaches tracking skills, make no mistake, but more so they...

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