Ell P on the 5.11 Range Bag | Snap Shots

dustin ellermann range qualifier case
January 15, 2015  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

This evening our Zen-Wuxia trained Warrior Princess talks about the range bag she has tried to destroy for the last year. Take heed, all you paillards and iniquitous scoundrels!

Breach Bang Clear 5.11 Range Bag Review Ell P -1

The Dustin Ellerman Range Qualifier Bag

I’m not a professional or competitive shooter. I didn’t know when I received this bag who Dustin Ellerman is – but I do know this range bag fits inside the 1560 Pelican case (without foam) that I use for travel, whether it’s going to the range or getting on an airplane. I like that, and I like his eponymous bag. Yeah, I know, some of you are thinking a pelican for range use is overkill, but it’s a method I like better than walking to my car in my crowded neighborhood with what is obviously a range bag.

Grunts: eponymous.

Breach Bang Clear 5.11 Range Bag Review Ell P -4

Once I’ve arrived to wherever it is I’m training, I pop the bag out of the pelican and I’ve got all my stuff in one unit. Normally my range bag carries two pistols, 8-10 magazines, ear and eye pro, tourniquets, spare batteries, baseball cap, spare holster, magazine holder, ammo and various other pieces of gear. If you’re an organized person, you could potentially customize this range bag more efficiently than I have. I have the habit of throwing my stuff into the bag randomly as I’m heading in and out, and it does have various good-sized pockets and compartments that help keep me somewhat organized (though it wouldn’t hurt to have one of the side pockets compartmentalized). The magnet mat at the bottom is a nice touch. Additionally, there are a few features that I haven’t even utilized yet:

  • Removable accessory bag inside the main compartment
  • Customized storage that uses an interior web platform
  • Detachable clear plastic sleeve that’s compatible with other 5.11 packs
  • Removable oil-resistant work pad
  • Quick-detach padded shoulder strap

Breach Bang Clear 5.11 Range Bag Review Ell P -3

Surprisingly, given how much I’ve used it, this bag has held up fairly well. I have been using for about a year and its been dragged around various ranges from the Pacific Northwest to Southern Virginia. I’ve purposely abused it a bit more than I normally would, thinking I’d start seeing threads popping and fabric ripping, but so far that hasn’t happened. Instead it’s come to be an item that I rely on frequently.

Breach Bang Clear 5.11 Range Bag Review Ell P -2


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Ellen Pucciarelli

Ellen Pucciarelli

About the Author

A longtime student of various martial arts and proponent of critical thinking, Ell is a dedicated mom and zealous shooter who pursues new skills (from mindset to gunfighting) with a zen-like intensity. She's also a doctor with an extensive background in acupuncture and herbalism (no shit). Perhaps not surprisingly she can often be found wearing a pashmina, eating granola and reciting poetry at the Cafe Roads with Charlie McKenzie to the sound of snapping fingers. We appreciate both her ferocity for life and the fact that she views things through a different, though percipient, lens than most of us. Also because she can - and will - use that pashmina as a garrote.


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