Jim Davis takes a look at various Ruger 10/22 magazine options and talks about their various advantages.
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Roller-Lock Rising: The Overwatch Precision MP5 Magazine
This Overwatch Precision MP5 Magazine is for the MP5 9mm variants and clones alike — it’s a Polymer 32-round magazine called the “OMag.”
Stop Crying About Sore Thumbs, Get an XTech Speedmag
Loading too much ammo—wait, is that a thing? Are your thumbs sore—should you stop crying so much? Do you wish there was a way to load your ammo quickly, without making your thumbs hurt—have you ever heard of sucking it up? Just get an AR-15 XTech Speedmag already....
GunMag Warehouse: Gun Magazines for Sale
GunMag has virtually every OEM and aftermarket rifle and pistol magazine of any kind. This is where you should get your gun magazines.
On the Range with Magpul Glock Mags
Magpul Glock mags are available now for a number of different pistol frames, in a variety of capacities. Here’s some info and Magpul Glock mag reviews.
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Just The Tip: Using Mag Extensions
Using mag extensions — how and why you should use them, in today's Just The Tip. Breach-Bang-Clear Just The Tip: Using Mag Extensions Fifty Shades of FDE Modern pistols with standard capacity magazines carry more rounds than ever before. They still don't carry as much...
The SureFeed E2 AR Mag with Textured Grip is Okay!
New AR Mag from SureFeed with Textured Grip is Okay! Mike the Mook Yesterday we got word that Okay Industries, the world’s most experienced AR magazine manufacturer, has introduced the SureFeed E2 AR magazine. This evolution of the SureFeed 30 round product line is...
Eyes On: AR10 Polymer Magpacker
If you read my review of the Polymer Magpacker for AR15's in 5.56 and .223, you know that it's my preferred method of loading mags. I knew they had an AR10 model available but wasn't sure whether it would work for my SCAR 17s mags. I know that the two mags were...
Review | Magpacker (2nd Generation Polymer Version)
For those who love to shoot and train often, the Mag Packer is something you wish you had years ago! This is better than speed loaders!
Bullshit! (Or, the Myth of the Tactical Reload)
In the post 9/11 surge of firearms and tactics training, there has been an unprecedented number of shooters seeking out training. That is a Good thing. There has also been an unprecedented surge in the amount of totally unqualified dickheads who have taken to teaching...