Jack Karlson’s Succulent Chinese Meal UPDATED

This poor fellow (a great orator later identified as Jack Karlson), obviously a distinguished and extraordinary gentleman, simply wanted to eat a succulent Chinese meal. Unfortunately, things went awry, and he was off to the hoosgow with great dignity. Bet he recites...

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JTT: After the Burglary

JTT: After the Burglary

Can you imagine coming home from work to find your door off the hinges and your firearms and other valuables missing? Or maybe a car window smashed and that pistol haphazardly stowed under your seat gone forever? The associated anger, loss, aggravation, and violation...

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Eyes On: Raven Concealment Copia Pouch

Eyes On: Raven Concealment Copia Pouch

JTF Awesome Team Member Raven Concealment Systems has been at the top of their game for a long time. RCS is arguably the most mimicked holster manufacturer out there--if you don't believe us, search for "how to make a kydex holster" on YouTube. You'll find that most...

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