Jack Karlson’s Succulent Chinese Meal UPDATED

Democracy Manifest: Jack Karlson is hauled off by Australian police for trying to have a "succulent Chinese meal."
June 3, 2024  
Categories: People
Tags: WTF

This poor fellow (a great orator later identified as Jack Karlson), obviously a distinguished and extraordinary gentleman, simply wanted to eat a succulent Chinese meal. Unfortunately, things went awry, and he was off to the hoosgow with great dignity.

Bet he recites poetry to single dancing moms.

Update: Scroll down for the extremely confusing interview about Democracy Manifest. You still won’t understand what the hell is going on, but you can sure admire that voice.

Especially when you combine it with an orchestra.

Democracy Manifest: a Succulent Chinese Meal

This event occurred more than 30 years ago but it never gets old.

Democracy Manifest: Orchestral Accompaniment Version

We’re particularly happy that Jack Karlson was later interviewed to clarify that it was he, not Charles Dozsa, who told those policemen to get their hands off his penis!

Did you know there’s actually a book about this guy?

We originally ran this in 2013.

Some key takeaways from this:

  • This is democracy manifest!
  • Get your hand off my penis!
  • I see that you know your judo well.

Further Reading

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