TagTippling Tuesday

The Tippling Tuesday column was started by our own War Gawd, Jeremy Stafford. We were originally going to call it “Thirsty Thursday” and run it on that day of the week, but Jeremy demurred.

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Thirsty Thursday sounds like something from a low brow beer-guzzling, cheap booze whorehouse throwdown,” he said. “We need to be writing for Renaissance Men and Warrior Poets.”

Tippling Tuesday - via Jeremy Stafford

He was right of course.

Tippling it is.

Tippling with bourbon

What is tippling?

Tippling is, in short, drinking.

Define tippling

That does not mean (at least in this context) some crass swilling of rotgut whiskey and cheap busthead, nossir!

We’re talking about something that involves a deep appreciation of taste and comradeship.

Tippling definition

There’s not much more to say about it. The Official Drink of Breach-Bang-Clear is a traditional Old Fashioned (q.v.) but we like many other libations.

Whiskey cinemagraph

If you share that enjoyment you’ll like reading this column.

Jeremy Stafford: pipe smoker, gun writer, bourbon lover

Jeremy “the War Gawd” Stafford – the progenitor of Tippling Tuesday.

Grunts: progenitor

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Liquid Sunshine – Garrison Brothers

Liquid Sunshine – Garrison Brothers

George Bernard Shaw once said, “Whiskey is liquid sunshine”. While most of you knuckle-draggers have no clue as to who Shaw was (not necessarily a bad thing), this statement is possibly the only thing he and I would have ever agreed on. He was an Irish playwright, a...

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