Our topic for today is that of peeing while standing up. Tactical micturition can be problematic for anyone while they're all jocked up — all the more so for females. Whether you have a gunbelt on and you're patrolling out in the ass end of the county or rolling with ...
TagStrategic Armory Corps
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Retention Kydex: Double Click Holsters "Safe Carry Ranger"
Report: Safe Carry Ranger by Double Click Holster Kydex holsters are my go-to for concealed carry. I've had many different kinds over the years and for all intents and purposes, they are mostly similar (though there are some with unique features). When I was walking...
JTT: Don’t Get Locked Out
JTT: Don't Get Locked OutAlexander CrownAs some of you may know from one of my previous articles, I enjoy lock picking and have found it handy more than once. I covered a pocket-sized set before but if that seems too burdensome for you, here is Just a Tactical Tip for...
The Strongest Force (GARRA)
Created as an elite unit to curb violent crime, GARRA and its 100 men continue to chase gangs of criminals in São Paulo city today.
Shot Timers or No? Metrics and Mediocrity
Shot timers or not? Are they of any real use? We like a good round or three of debate if learning occurs and, of course, if it’s civil.
Back the Bang:
This is a great place to compare prices and see what’s in stock.
JTT: How Not to Look like an American in Foreign Lands
JTT: How Not to Look like an American in Foreign LandsRichard KilgoreWe here at BreachBangClear are unapologetically American patriots. However, not everyone in the world shares our love of 'Murica. There are certainly times and places to be a loud and proud American...
MNKF: Sayoc WarHawk
Today’s Monday Night Knife Fights is all about the Sayoc WarHawk. Because we all have reasons to own a hawk’ (or so we tell ourselves).