MNKF: Sayoc WarHawk

Sayoc Tomahawk
January 2, 2017  
Categories: Knives and Axes

Strategic Armory Corps

Monday Night Knife Fights: Sayoc WarHawk

Alexander Crown

You know that feeling when you get left out of something awesome? Like when all the Breach Bang Clear guys are writing sweet pieces on tomahawks, and you don’t find out until all the articles get posted?

I thought we were friends. Bastards. I’ll write my own article that’ll show ’em.

Sayoc WarHawk

As with most self-respecting Americans, I see great value in owning a tomahawk, but unfortunately, I use one very little in my day-to-day activities. I suppose I could make more effort to change that, but given today’s modern office environment, it seems irresponsible and expensive. I do fantasize about laying waste to my laptop from time to time, and a tomahawk seems more than appropriate for such a task.

My tomahawk is the Sayoc WarHawk, designed by Tuhon Tom Kier and handmade by Tuhon Harley Elmore of Head Hunter Blades. This hawk was designed for the modern warfighter to destroy his enemies in CQB, aid in extraction from precarious situations, and, most importantly, make me feel cool and my friends jealous. The design features of the WarHawk are an elegant blend of modern and historical with each feature having a specific purpose.

The most notable feature is the front spike. The spike is there to assist in penetration, even with oddly shaped objects like heads where a traditional flat-faced hawk may skip off. The material of the WarHawk is CPM154 steel and the handle is grooved G10. The handle design allows a more choked up grip for fine work and a small “hook” on the end to maximize control when your hand is lower. The spike on the back is primarily for demo/breaching/extraction and is unsharpened.

Close up of the tomahawk blade. Close up of the back end of the blade.

The sheath for the hawk is the usual Kydex and is designed to be used on a plate carrier with the included MALICE clips. I was told it could be mounted on your chest, and the handle would sit snugly between your mags, which would allow quick access. That seems feasible, as the overall length is 12” and the head is roughly 6 ½“wide. But I think the hawk is better mounted on your back, or in my case, in my Vertx Gamut. The weight is 1.55 pounds for those who are curious.

Sayoc WarHawk blade cover.

Sayoc WarHawk blade next to the cover for comparison.

Admittedly, my day job and dad duties don’t lend to a lot of tomahawk-appropriate situations. I’ve used it to cut up a pallet and it may have been thrown in a few trees, but generally it gets carried for that “just in case” moment.


WarHawk next to a pistol.

[You can visit Headhunter Blades online here]

Editor’s Note: As of this edit, Nexus Ammunitions is not part of Strategic Armory Corps. You can find them on Facebook.

Mad Duo, Breach-Bang& CLEAR!

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Alexander Crown

Alexander Crown

About the Author

Alexander Crown (@acrown509)is a frequent contributor to Breach-Bang-Clear, and is a patched Minion. He is the almost certainly the littlest big mistake Gemtech ever hired. Astonishingly, they continue to promote him to a succession of higher positions. Prior to his early retirement due to an enemy winning a marksmanship award at the cost of his hamstring, Alexander served in the 3/509 PIR out of Ft. Richardson and spent time in Iraq. In addition to dabbling in the world of silencers and science fiction, he has a BS in biology and is an avid gardener who grows prodigious crops of improbably might vegetables.


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