JTT: Rando Range Aids

February 21, 2017  
Categories: Learnin'

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Just The Tip: Rando Range Aids

Jake “Slim” Call

Nothing sucks more than hitting the range and realizing you forgot something important. If you’re the type to learn from your mistakes, it probably won’t happen again. Today, we’ll let you learn from some of our mistakes. In no particular order, we’re going to show you some items beyond the basics (the basics being guns, ammo, ear/eye pro, and med gear) that we bring along to the range and some tips to just make life a little easier.

Three cans of spray adhesives

Spray Adhesive is your Friend

Faster than tape or a stapler, you can use spray adhesive to just throw a fresh target over your old one. 3M probably makes the most consistently performing one.

Have a Bigassed Marker

…or paint pen. You know, the kind that kids like to draw graffiti with. Use it to mark shots on a target, write drill times on cardboard, and scrawl on magazines that have gone bad.

Yellow and pink foam ear plugs

Spare Foamies

These take up about zero space and come in handy if you have a friend who forgot their own. Also, if you’re indoors and shooting something particularly loud, having the option to double up under your over-the-ear type is always beneficial.

Range tools

Thoughtful Tools

Space is a commodity for many of us unless your range bag is your entire truck, ala’ Steve Fisher. You want to have items on hand to adjust scopes, tighten rings, and generally undick your guns if needed. There are several gun-related multitools available (see a 4-way comparison here). A Combat Optic Tool is another great one to have. A set of captive hex keys is also probably a good idea.

Leatherman MUT multitool

This MUT has seen better days…

If you have any small Torx bits and loose hex keys, an empty pill bottle allows you to consolidate them. If the bottom of your range bag is less organized than your average purse, you may never find that T25 bit again otherwise.

Prescription bottle with drill bits inside.

  • Gloves/Neckerchief/Rag

You shoot guns. They get hot. You shoot suppressed guns, and it’s ten times worse. Gloves are also good for handling steel, which may or may not have sharp edges, and avoiding extraneous lead exposure. If you’re the type of guy who shoots at glass bottles and TVs in public land — nevermind — people who do that are usually too inconsiderate to clean up after themselves. We hope you cut yourself. And the neckerchief is awesome for many things.

Note cards

  • 3×5 Cards

Instant new small target overlay. Plus, it’s a way to recycle recipe cards that you never want to see again.

Gear on top of a range bag.

  • 22lr Pistol

There’s just always something you can do with one. Small varmints at outdoor ranges. Use it while your guns are cooling down enough to be packed up. Play a game of ‘Horse’ with your friends.

A hand holding two suppressors.

Physically Touch Everything Important Before You Leave

What you don’t want to do is drive an hour home, unpack your bag, and discover that you might have left something important on the side of a range bay. It’s a good idea to physically put your hand on every crucial item before you finally leave the range.

5.11 Tactical

We’d be kidding ourselves if we thought this list was all-encompassing. N+1 items can be added, such as shot clocks and mag loaders, et al. What would you add?


Mad Duo, Breach-Bang& CLEAR!

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About the AuthorMad Duo Slim on Border Work

Jake “Slim” Call is one of the two most famous action figures in the world. Contrary to what Swingin’ Dick says, he does not like fat chicks. Slim has been a part of Breach-Bang-Clear since about ’05, and since then, has traveled around the world spreading awesomeness, fighting evil and putting single dancing moms through college. Slim hates hippies, sissies and when the MRE Tabasco leaks into the toilet paper and dries there but you don’t realize it until it’s too late. Together with his comrade Richard “Swingin’ Dick Kilgore,” Slim manages and directs an eeeelight blogging team of writers that thinks you can be a warrior and a patriot and still be amenable to civil discourse.

Breach Bang Clear Mad Duo Jake Slim CallIncorrigibility breeds contempt.


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Jake "Slim" Call

Jake "Slim" Call

About the Author

Jake "Slim" Call is one of the two most famous action figures in the world. Contrary to what Swingin' Dick says, he does not like fat chicks. Slim has been a part of Breach-Bang-Clear since about '05, and since then has traveled around the world spreading awesomeness, fighting evil and putting single dancing moms through college. Slim hates hippies, sissies and when the MRE Tabasco leaks into the toilet paper and dries there but you don't realize it until its too late. Together with his comrade Richard "Swingin' Dick Kilgore" Slim manages and directs an eeeelight blogging team of writers that thinks you can be a warrior and a patriot and still be amenable to civil discourse. Incorrigibility breeds contempt.


  1. strych9

    “You shoot guns. They get hot. You shoot suppressed guns, and it’s ten times worse. ”

    How do you know this about me? Have you guys been following me!?!

  2. Victor Vector

    In my primary range bag:

    Eyes and Ears (and usually spares of each)

    Complete set of mini screwdriver bits, ranging from hex to torx to Phillips to slotted, that, along with a driver, fits in a tiny case.

    Specialized sight adjustment tools (for AK, etc.)

    Laser boresight rounds in a few assorted common calibers

    Spare batteries for all optics and powered hearing protection.

    The rubber ear plugs I was issued in Basic Training, in the little plastic bottle with the chain connecting the top, on the earpiece of my hearing pro.

    A half dozen barrel flags.

    Black and red Sharpies

    Rem Oil Wipes


    Bore snakes

    Cleaning Rod (indespensable for removing stuck brass)


    Cheap pair of Harbor Freight kneepads

    On the bench or behind me:

    Large ammo box

    Lead Sled (even if I’m not using it, it’s always helpful if one of my shooting buds needs to rezero, etc.)

    Trauma Kit

    Army-issue foam sleeping pad (great for going prone or rolled up as a rest)

    In a small auxiliary range bag in my car:

    A vacuum vise

    Bev Block

    Armorer’s Tool

    Spare parts kit (springs, pins, etc for AR, AK, Glock)

    Spare bolt and firing pin

    Full cleaning kit

    CLP, bore cleaner, etc

    Scope adjustment tools

    For the most part, these bags stay packed – so bringing, for example, the auxiliary bag, is not a hassle – but it has saved the day. I’ve found that whenever I don’t have something, I will inevitably need it – so rather than have a range day go wrong, I’d rather have most of the bases covered.

  3. Frank Karl

    What’s a range bag without a yuppie canteen (water bottle)? I also carry a small pen light and first aid kit. There’s a stare folding knife in case I forget my pants, or at least it feels like I forgot my pants.The range I shoot on has timers, targets, pasters, staplers and back-up foam plugs, but I still bring ears, pens, pad of paper and of course remote control drill and the specialized drillin’ bits that go with it. There’s a bag to scarf-up brass as well.Thanks for the thoughtful article.

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