AuthorSwingin' Dick

Richard "Swingin' Dick" Kilgore is half of the most storied celebrity action figure team in the world (and the half that doesn't prefer BBWs). He believes in American Exceptionalism, America, holding the door for any woman (lady or whore) and the idea that you should be held accountable for what comes out of your fucking mouth. Swingin' Dick has been a warrior gyrovague for many years now and is, apparently, impossible to kill -- he once had a complete body transplant after an IED hit the gun truck in which he was riding. True story, one of the Cav guys mailed his head and arm home. Swingin' Dick comes from a long line of soldiers and LEOs (his Great Uncle commanded an Air Cav battalion in Vietnam and his many times removed great grandfather was one of the few original Burt Mossman era Arizona Rangers). Swingin' Dick detests Joy Behar and Chris Matthews almost as much as he enjoys traveling the world to crush crime vice and evil. He believes the opportunity to lead eeeelight team of Breach Bang Clear minions is the most improbably awesome thing an action figure has ever done and he's immensely proud of his perfect hair. Loyalty and respect should start from the top down.

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Best Beards of SHOT

Yesterday we showed you the new app to beard your baby. Here's an overview of the Best Beards of SHOT Show 2013 {youtube}MKaHhw88wtY{/youtube} We'll be voting for BeardSS01, and we're here to assure you - the curtains match the drapes. That boy is a...

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Cloud Defensive

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Humans of Afghanistan

Take a moment to watch this superb short film from Karim Delgado, a former Marine who is now a philosophy major. He recently worked as a contractor documenting SOF personnel during their deployment to the 'Stan. This was made with his leftover footage.  ...

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India HANGS Mumbai Attacker

This is what we like to see. Remember the coordinated terrorist attacks on Mumbai four years ago? (You should be - that's one of the things we should be concerned about here...if not a Beslan...or coinciding with a Beslan.) The only survivor was Mohammad Ajmal...

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