Agilite has had some interesting things at their booth over the years. Remember the floating helmet they had a few years ago? I mean magnets, how do they work even? We got a sneak peek of the Agilite Pincer Placard testing rig and it looks like something you might see in one of those X-Rated cams… not that we have seen those.
Is it just us, or did that thing once have something other than a magazine on the end and go into a very different pouch? That said, we always geek out a bit at testing rigs and how they are utilized to ensure the operability of gear years down the line. In this case, you can see how many insertions the magazine has had in the pouch. I am sure that over SHOT show it will rack up many more on the show floor.
Agilite had this to say about the new testing rig:
“The mechanism for the machine was designed for a “non-tactical purpose” that we re-purposed” joked Lev Friedman, a product designer from Agilite. “We often build our own testing machines because we need to be sure that every product we make will last a very long time downrange. Our clients go places their gear isn’t allowed to fail and we tested the Pincer Placard well over 100 000 mag insertions before putting it into combat with Israeli SMU’s so we know it meets our standards.”
The Pincer Placard has a polymer funnel at the top allowing magazines to be stuffed in or retrieved with ease. We look forward to checking out the new design and seeing how it all shakes out. Along with the Pincer Placard, they also have a line of new EDC gear so be on the lookout for what they have going on.
You can see a selection of items Agilite has on display in their booth including their new EDC Line.
Stay tuned to their website or Instagram for more updates on the new gear.
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