WCW: Not Just Jenn Jacques

jennifer jacques
December 6, 2017  
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WCW: Not Just Jenn Jacques

David Reeder

The tagline on her website reads Just Jenn, but that’s not even remotely accurate, as anyone who has worked with the woman will attest. The same goes for any number of anti-gun liberal celebrity types she has humbled with a ready wit and a … let’s say, piquant delivery.

Grunts: piquant.

Jennifer Jacques is a uniquely outspoken gun rights scholar, an “everywoman” who became a significant voice in the politics of gun ownership improbably quickly — and almost inadvertently. Jakes grew up in a large hunting family in rural Northern Wisconsin. She learned to track deer at an early age but didn’t have the patience to sit still for hours, so she took to archery and found zen, she says, shooting a Red Bear recurve bow in a range her father built in their basement one winter. Come summer, she was rolling old tires across her yard and punching balloons outta the center.

Jennifer Jacques

Jakes, a former private detective, was a longtime gun owner and ardent supporter of the Second Amendment who became politically active around 2007, heading into the 2008 POTUS elections. It was during that time she began to understand just how much help 2A matters needed – pragmatic, constitutional concealed carry laws, national reciprocity, and other matters were then (and in many places remain) unknown and often politically reviled. She carried this well-reasoned, lay apperception with her when she began her career as a journalist.

Jenn became more active in the hunting realm when, after her husband became disabled with a traumatic brain injury, their son wanted to begin hunting. So, she took a hunter safety course with him, and after going on a few successful hunts (deer, pheasant, quail), she quickly became a passionate hunter. This naturally evolved into more activity in the outdoors side of gun ownership — Jakes does nothing, it would seem, by halves or in small measure.

As President and CEO of AIM Hunting, Jenn was at SHOT Show, also drumming up sponsors for her television show Babe in the Woods on the Sportsman Channel, when a chance conversation with a radio host friend altered her path forever. That friend urged her to attend a Franklin Center Bloggers Summit in 2012, so she did; soon after, she co-founded the website Guns and Curves, and people quickly began taking notice of her writing.

After Guns & Curves went into a different direction, a friend suggested Jakes talk to Bob Owens, editor of Bearing Arms. Although they had never met in person, they knew each other from the industry, and she cold-called him “at random” to ask if she could write for BA. Bob’s answer?

“Sure, but I can’t pay you!”

Jakes, ever sanguine, replied, “Well, that’s fine, I’m not getting paid now!”

Jenn Jaques on the range.

She proved worthy of his confidence, and her writing quickly began to garner a large following. Eventually, she began to be paid for it, albeit in a piecemeal fashion. Not wanting to lose Jakes to the USCCA, Townhall Media brought her on full-time in February 2016 – making her the first female editor of a 2A/Gun News Site (that I’m aware of). After the untimely death of her counterpart, Bob Owens, she became Managing Editor. She is a weekly guest on NRAtv, was a co-host on Cam & Company, is a Visiting Fellow of the Independent Women’s Forum, frequently accompanies Geralt of Rivia on safari, and is ceaselessly active in Wisconsin politics. As far as we know she was not the inspiration for Dubray’s statue of Jeanne Laisné, but stranger things have happened.

Now, why should you care about any of this? Well, first, because she’s good people and is the bane of many a sassy bass. Second, because in addition to drinking PBR, she has excellent taste in bourbon. Third, though, and this one is significant, so pay attention —

Jenn Jaques is now Editor-at-Large for Breach-Bang-Clear.

Am I excited to make this announcement?

You’re damn skippy, I am. Is a pig’s ass pork? I’m chuffed beyond measure.

You’ve likely already read some of her articles. Stand by for plenty more. If you’d like to know more about her, read this NRA interview.

You can also take a gander at the video below, filmed earlier this year at SHOT.

Meantime, please join me in welcoming Jakes to the Breach-Bang-Clear tribe.

Jenn Jacques is on Twitter, @JennJacques and also on Facebook. Her website is https://jennjacques.com/.

That’s all for now. Go forth and conquer.

Jenn holding up a fish she caught.

Editor at Large Jennifer Jaques

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Reeder Profile Picture 5About the Author

It might not be too surprising that David Reeder, who never met a $50 word he didn’t like, one of the “leaders” of the pedagogic and frequently obstreperous Breach Bang Clear team — insomuch as they have a leader (the terms orchestra conductor and rodeo clown are equally apropos). A former POG who tastes like chicken, Reeder cannot play the harmonica. He founded Breach-Bang-Clear quite accidentally at his young son’s behest several years ago. He is the Mad Duo’s Chief Wretched Flunky and Breach-Bang-Clear’s HMFIC. A LEO for many years and former AF Security Forces SNCO, he was an O/C at the National Homeland Security Training Center for many years and a longtime MOUT instructor at the Bold Lighting UWS. Reeder has appeared on Fox News Business and written for a number of publications, from US News & World Report and Military.com to RECOIL Magazine and Soldier Systems Daily. All of that sounds way cooler than it actually is. You can read more about him here. Follow his banality on Instagram, @davidreederwrites.

“I have no taste for either poverty or honest labor, so writing is the only recourse left for me” Hunter S. Thompson

“Some editors are failed writers, but so are most writers.” T.S. Elliot

“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” Benjamin Franklin

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David Reeder

David Reeder

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