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Didn’t Get What You Wanted for Christmas? Buy One of These For Yourself!
Jenn Jacques
Christmas. You don’t always get what you want. You can make list after list, even sharing very specific products with your loved ones via Amazon so all they have to do is click ADD TO CART, but we miraculously still may not get everything we want for Christmas.
So if you find yourself sulking in the glow of your tree, don’t fret! Go ahead and buy yourself something nice, like the MantisX Firearms Training System!
When you’re miles away from the nearest gun range or if you live in the Frozen Tundra like me, getting out to do a little live fire isn’t always possible. But with the MantisX, you can practice in the warmth of your own home while getting the feedback and results you get in the gun range.
Check it out:
So no sulking, kids – stuff your own damn stocking with a MantisX and git to training over the holiday break!!
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Mad Duo, Breach-Bang & CLEAR!
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About the Author: Jenn “Jakes” Jacques was born and raised in a big Belgian family in rural Northern Wisconsin — but don’t hold that against her. This does, however, make her sound Canadian-ish don’tchaknow and that you can hold against her.
She is the daughter of a great hunter, a wife, a mother, a Visiting Fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, a frequent pontificatatrix1 for the NRA, a former editor for Bearing Arms, and what we describe around here as a “good gal with a gun.” She frequently appears all over NRA TV, has been covered by Townhall.com, the Washington Post, and Women’s Outdoor News, but perhaps most importantly, she has a ridiculous working knowledge of 80’s movie trivia.
Jakes is an active and ardent supporter of the Second Amendment, an outspoken concealed carry advocate, and an avid outdoorswoman. If you can’t find her fishing, she’s likely hunting or running like a frenetic mad woman (kinda the same way she talks) on any number of Badger State nature trails.
Jenn (once crowned Miss Barron County!) is a former private investigator who once made a field goal in the Don Hudson Center at 30 yards (true story). She is married to a great beast of a man with whom she has three children.
Jenn drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon and has great taste in bourbon. ‘Nuff said.
Jenn’s website is called Just Jenn and if you’re a social media freak like she is, you can find her on Twitter and on Facebook but she’s always blabbering about something somewhere, so follow her to stay in the know.
1 Yes, we made that term up, don’t tell us how to Freedom.