We hit the whys and wherefores of an Mk18 clone, talk some history, discuss modern options, and show ya where you can find an Mk18 for sale.
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CQB: What Can Video Games Teach Us
Rainbow Six Siege rewards every small advantage taken while building a gameplay loop out of what we don’t want to see in CQB tactics.
In4med-16: A DARC grad’s Close Quarters Carbine
A CQB Carbine should be purpose-built and -equipped. In this case, an HK416 with MAWL, Surefire, and other accessories makes for a DARC-informed weapon. Learn WHY.
Brain Dump | Lead Faucet Tactical CQB Carbine Course
Fifty Shades of FDE covers the Lead Faucet CQB Carbine Course let by Dan Brokos, who came out to southern California to instruct members of the Orange County Sheriff’s SWAT Team in a 3-Day event.
EYES ON: Special Tactics One-Man CQB Manual
Eyes On: Special Tactics One-Man CQB Manual Tom Marshall One of the biggest obstacles for beginners undertaking their journey towards tactical greatness (or at least proficiency) is that most people don’t know what they don’t know. Many fill that void by going to...
Back the Bang:
Use “Breach15” at checkout and save 15% on holsters from StealthGear USA.
Vehicle CQB Disputations: Gunfights By Your Car
Much debate has been sparked about VCQB matters of late (that's Vehicle CQB or Vehicle Close Quarters Battle). Virtually all of it has centered around the VCQB theory espoused by Will Petty. There...
High Threat CQB
From somewhere in her secret HQ on Themiscyra comes this thorough (if breviloquent) review of a recent tactical course attended by our resident hawt female bad ass, Mad Duo Kim. Check it out. Mad DuoGrunts: breviloquentHigh Threat CQB - In ExtremisIntroduction to High...