MNKF: Boker Subcom F
Alexander Crown
This Monday Night Knife Fight isn’t about a brand new blade. No, this article is about a knife I’ve had for well over ten years. The Boker Plus Subcom F is a micro lockback pocketknife that’s sized for easy everyday carry.
The Boker Plus Subcom line has expanded since I bought mine and now includes numerous blade types. The blades are constructed from AUS-8, a type of steel known for taking and holding an edge. This material is also generally known to cut down sharpening time. The blades are available in standard clip point with or without serrations, a rescue hook (the Rescom model), and even a hawkbill style.
The grip of the knife is made of Zytel, a high-strength nylon resistant to abrasions and impacts. Molded into the grip is a pleasant, not-too-aggressive texturing. The grips are also available in a variety of colors to match your outfit or mood, I suppose.
When unfolded the overall length is 4.625”, and the knife measures .29” at its widest. The knife locks via a frame lock and the blade features an ambidextrous thumb stud for quick deployment. The blade is a flat grind and is .08” thick with a cutting edge of 1.75”. Lastly, the pocket clip is configurable for tip up or down carry.
I can’t say I’ve carried this knife every day for the past ten years, but I do use it often, particularly when I don’t want a large pocket clip showing (for example, while wearing a suit). I’ve found one of the best places to carry this little Boker is inside the waistline of my pants with the clip behind my belt.
I affixed a 550 cord quickdraw piece to the knife many, many years ago, before it was cool. This helps with deployment of the knife from the waistline and in no way is a tacticool fashion statement.
I wouldn’t want to get into a knife fight with this little guy, but it’s proven very useful over the years for cutting mundane boxes, mail, string, etc. I’ve lost this knife on more than one occasion and am always very happy to find it again. For a knife that’s sub-three ounces, costs less than $40, and practically lets you forget you’re carrying it, the Boker Subcom F is worth its weight.
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About the Author: Alexander Crown was the littlest big mistake Gemtech ever hired–and they even manage to continue to promote him to higher positions. Prior to his early retirement (caused by an enemy winning a marksmanship award at the cost of his hamstring), Alexander served in the 3/509 PIR out of Ft. Richardson and spent a little time in Iraq. In addition to dabbling in the world of silencers and science fiction, he has a BS in biology and is an avid gardener — like, the kind of gardener Hugh Farnham would appreciate and Alec Holland would envy.
Think and be dangerous.
Boker is one of the under appreciated brands on the market. The Subcom fits the watch pocket on jeans just perfectly. I know a lot of people who wear it clipped to their pants behind the belt buckle or clip to the back of their vest near the neckline. It’s size lets you store the knife in a variety of small places.The serrated edge gives the small blade more cutting power.
I have been using one of these little babies as my money clip for about 5 years. Never leave home without it. Great little blade.