The 2018 Hard as Hell Heroes 2 Gun match was held May 12th and 13th at the Southern Utah Practical Shooting Range with KE Arms as the overall match sponsor. Each stage was dedicated to a different Medal of Honor recipient, with elements of the stage being influenced by the particular citation to accompany the award of that particular recipient.
This will be the first of a series of posts. In this series, we’ll be taking you through the match stage by stage with the shooter’s from KE Arms, Independence Training, and We Plead the 2nd, with video coverage from InRange TV. IRTV’s Karl Kasarda’s usual c0-host, Ian McCollum, was out of the country during this event so KE Arm’s Marketing Director Russell Phagan (aka SinistralRifleman) stepped in to co-host these match videos.
Stage 1 is inspired by the actions of Pedro Cano
“Private Pedro Cano distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving with Company C, 8th Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division during combat operations against an armed enemy in Schevenhutte, Germany on December 2 and 3, 1944. On the afternoon of the 2nd, American infantrymen launched an attack against German emplacements but were repulsed by enemy machinegun fire. Armed with a rocket launcher, Private Cano crawled through a densely mined area under heavy enemy fire and successfully reached a point within ten yards of the nearest emplacement. He quickly fired a rocket into the position, killing the two gunners and five supporting riflemen. Without hesitating, he fired into a second position, killing two more gunners, and proceeded to assault the position with hand grenades, killing several others and dispersing the rest. Then, when an adjacent company encountered heavy fire, Private Cano crossed his company front, crept to within fifteen yards of the nearest enemy emplacement and killed the two machine gunners with a rocket. With another round he killed two more gunners and destroyed a second gun. On the following day, his company renewed the attack and again encountered heavy machinegun fire. Private Cano, armed with his rocket launcher, again moved across fire-swept terrain and destroyed three enemy machineguns in succession, killing the six gunners. Private Cano’s extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty are in keeping with the highest traditions of military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit and the United States Army.”
Stage 1 Video Coverage Courtesy of InRange
Jason W. using his KE-15 Action Carbine with Vortex Optics Viper PST 1-6X in Trooper-Armored.
Independence Training’s Glen Stilson uses his KE-15 Shooting Team Rifle with Vortex Razor 1-6X to engage long range steel from the tank trap in Trooper-Armored.
KE Arms’ Russell Phagan engages the spinner off hand with his KE-15 Shooting Team Rifle in Gila Monster Cerakote by We Plead the 2nd, with Vortex Viper PST 1-6X in Trooper-Armored.
Jordan Henderson engages long range steel from the bunker with his KE-15 Shooting Team Rifle with Vortex Razor 1-6X in Tactical Division.
Independence Training’s Josh Reeves engages close range paper in Trooper-Armored with his KE-15 Shooting Team Rifle with Vortex Razor 1-6X, cerakote by We Plead the 2nd.
InRange’s Karl Kasarda engages close range paper with his AK74 with Trijicon Accupoint
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Find the entire Hard as Hell Heroes Two Gun Match series here:
Now, here are a few more pretty pictures for you knuckledraggers.
Stage 1 Photo Gallery. Photos Courtesy of Bryan Welch/We Plead the 2nd.