Better Gunfighting: How Daniel Defense Helps LEOsCandice HornerOver the past year, mainstream media is paying more attention to ambush attacks on police. With the Dallas Shooting being the deadliest incident on law enforcement since September 11th, it was the catalyst...
AuthorCandice Horner
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Tactical Yoga Pants Review: Spanky 5.11 Yoga Pants
Back when 5.11 debuted their Raven Range Tights, I was skeptical. They were touted by 5.11 as “Tactical Yoga Pants.” Just those three words seriously put together to describe a product screamed "gun bunny gear." But, truth be told, gun bunnies don’t bother me. So,...
Language Lessons: Eye Box
Today in Language Lessons we talk about finding that sweet spot in the box like we all want to do. Or something. Mad Duo Language Lessons: Eye Box Candice Horner Being able to see what you’re shooting at can be a lifesaver, or life ender--however you want to look at...
Language Lessons: Ballistic Coefficient
This is the first post in a new series we've dubbed Language Lessons. Each week we will scratch the surface of a common shooting term to [hopefully] bring some edification and understanding. Before you get flashbacks from nuns with rulers or stuffy college classrooms,...
Sooner, Not Faster: VCQB with Will Petty
Like us, we're sure you often hear "Faster, faster...mmm, yeahhhh..." But, we're not talking about that here. While going fast has its own place and time, sometimes you want to do it sooner. Wait, we all want it sooner. Holy shit, maybe Will Petty's on to something....
Back the Bang:
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Cherry Popped: Part One of The Hunt
We recently sent one of our deadly-accurate-with-a-gun minions on a hunt. While we’re all about equality, we can’t get past the fact that she has lady parts, so let’s focus on that for just a sec. Girl + Gun + First Kill = America, Fuck Yeah! Honestly, we just...
She's a Badass AND a CEO
We have badass sponsors, and behind every badass sponsor is an intrepid leader (and often a badass friend). The story below encapsulates that fact. Trusting our newest minion to go forth and conquer, we recently sent Candice to the 2015 Prois Ladies Turkey Hunt. While...