SilencerCo partners with the American Suppressor Association (ASA) to raise money for expanding suppressor rights. Prizes include: Maxim 9, Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW Pistol, and a Glock 44 .22LR Pistol. Oh, and the tax stamp is covered!

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SilencerCo partners with the American Suppressor Association (ASA) to raise money for expanding suppressor rights. Prizes include: Maxim 9, Daniel Defense DDM4 PDW Pistol, and a Glock 44 .22LR Pistol. Oh, and the tax stamp is covered!
Primary Arms has just released the SLx GEN III Prism Scope to their optic lineup, which includes a Primary Arms ACSS Aurora Reticle option. Check it out!
TENICOR now has holsters for the Glock 43/43X and Glock 48 railed MOS models—CERTUM3, VELO4, and the ARX holsters are your compatible option. But don’t worry, they still offering a non-railed slim-line Glock model for AIWB, IWB, and OWB carries—for the Glock models listed above.
Tenicor’s Malus Sol is a 2011 holster that accepts a mounted light (so it’s also a 1911 X300 holster). See what you think of this AIWB rig.
You may have heard names like Grace O’Malley, Scáthach of Skye, and Tomoe Gozen — but are you familiar with Heather Miller? If not, bring it in and take a knee. We’re gonna learn you up. It’ll be worth your time, promise. See, in an arena where terms like “female competition shooters”, “female 3 gun shooters”, and “professional female shooters” are most commonly used, we prefer to use champion shooters. Because, male, female, or helisexual, a badass shooter is a badass shooter regardless of the plumbing on board.
Tactical flannel being a thing now, we thought we’d start an evolving lineup of our favorite flannel shirt manufacturers and styles.