Results for "reviews"

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COWAN! reviews the 5.11 TacTec

COWAN! reviews the 5.11 TacTec

People has asked how we pick what we review - it's simple. Some stuff we choose, and buy, because we're interested in it. Some stuff is sent by the manufacturer. We always try to run the good with the bad, keeping in mind this filter: if we say something is good, and...

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Level 4 Ceramic Plates: Slava Ukraine

Level 4 Ceramic Plates: Slava Ukraine

The local warlords over at Tactical Sh!t are currently selling some level 4 ceramic plates (specifically, shooters cut multi curve level 4 plates) for an improbable price: $99 each. Now, that might not be a big deal if these weren't NIJ certified or if they came from...

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