Violence of Mind: Trainin’ Via Your Ears

Violence of Mind by Varg Freeborn
April 20, 2021  
Categories: Musings

So we got some news from Varg Freeborn. Apparently his book Violence of Mind is now available as an audiobook. That’s good news for those of you who don’t do digital or are skeert of the Amish/paper traditional way of readin’.

Violence of Mind audiobook

Here’s what we know from the release:

The book’s official description reads, “[It’s a book that covers]… the topic of self-defense from a shocking, first-hand perspective. The subjects of criminal violence, self-defense, lethal force, mindset, firearms training and concealment have never been introduced so comprehensively in one place. Having successfully sold world-wide in its independently published and distributed paperback form, then on Kindle, it is now available on Audible.”

That’s an accurate description, but certainly not a complete one.  Consider this statement about true concealment.

Lack of concealment is an ego issue. It is bred into us to want the world to know we are an alpha, or to position for rank. It is thousands of years of DNA encoding for breeding rights and social hierarchy placement and/or dominance.

That’s a hard thing to overcome, but discipline is the mark of a highly trained fighter. Allowing oneself to be underestimated, or at least overlooked (which is really the goal), is a privilege we have in modern society.

It won’t hurt our ability to get a date, because we now have social skills to make up for that. It won’t mean that we can’t eat, because surviving in society is not based upon the alpha eating first and the betas taking scraps. We can be nice, pleasant, helpful, quiet, and a multitude of other things that don’t scream, I’m a killer alpha don’t fuck with me!

Varg Freeborn Violence of Mind



Here’s another excerpt:

How far are you willing to go — and how do you know that the other guy will not be willing to go farther? 

If you pepper spray someone (assaultive), how do you know they will not turn around and shoot you (homicidal)? 

You don’t. And if you are willing to offend you better be willing to assault. If you are willing to assault, you better be willing to kill. 

If you are willing to kill, you better be 100% justified.

What are you willing to kill for again?  

You won’t kill over a spot in line, but you will assault over it? Then the other guy decides that he is willing to kill to stop your assault and now you must kill or be killed.

This is how violence works.

Varg Freeborn grew up in a criminal environment, spending five years in prison after stabbing a man multiple times while defending himself during a fight. Though he was eventually released and his rights restored, it wasn’t until after he’d spent half a decade in a violent, enclosed environment completely surrounded by violent predators vastly skilled with improvised weapons.

“The most efficient violence I have ever witnessed was the highly developed predatory system of violence inside of prisons. A majority of the most effective and efficient killers are inside of those walls. 

[T]he truly violent predator has mastered doing it with very little equipment and very simple methods. Those tools and methods are based on adhering to fundamental principles. The only two places that real violence can repeatedly be found is in war, and in the criminal culture (especially prisons). 

Both are an unbroken lineage, and both are very different. What works in war does not so much apply to what works in prison, or in a parking lot by yourself on a dark night.”

The Violence of Mind audiobook is just shy of nine hours long. It’s narrated by the author and is Whispersync for voice ready on Amazon.

FYSA: the Orientation part of the Loop

Here’s something else to be aware of. Freeborn is in the final stages of finishing his second book. This one will focus on the second in OODA: the one for Orientation (OODA orient). If you’re a student of John Boyd’s seminal work, you’ll want to take a look at it once it’s available.

Violence Education and Lethal Force Training

Follow the Varg Freeborn author page for updates. He’s on Facebook, /VargFreeborn/, or Instagram, @vargfreeborn.


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Mad Duo

Mad Duo

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The Mad Duo are the most renowned, scholarly, door-kickingest action figures since...well, ever. They, their wretched minions and other abject flunkies are an improbable (and awesome) tale unto themselves. Read more about them here.


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