Tactical, Tactarded or Tacticool? The MULE

mule tactical
January 26, 2015  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings
Tags: Tactarded

Raven Concealment Systems 2

This is either a stroke of genius or the most tactarded thing to be found at SHOT 2015 (which is saying something). We’ll let you guys be the judge.

Behold the wonder of the MULE Adaptive Storage Stock. So, uh, it’s a buttstock with a holster concealed inside. There’s a sort of trapdoor below, swinging open and ‘forward’ on a hinge to reveal the secondary weapon you have stashed inside. Right now you can keep a Glock or an M&P inside, but H&K, Sig and 1911 frame versions are rumored to be on the way.

MULE adaptive buttstock 3

The MULE is built of “high impact polymer,” is curved for “better retention in the ready position” and is capped with a rubber pad. MULE adaptive buttstock2

MULE coins

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So, there you go. That happened. We’re trying really, really hard not to make fun of it because ultimately the market will decide – that’s the wonderful thing about capitalism. And hey – we’ve yet to find a small American business we didn’t want to succeed.MULE adaptive buttstock 1

Freedom Rifle 1

Now if only someone would build a bayonet for our pistol, or a belt buckle mounted throwing knife…

Learn more at MuleTAC.com.


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Mad Duo

Mad Duo

About the Author

The Mad Duo are the most renowned, scholarly, door-kickingest action figures since...well, ever. They, their wretched minions and other abject flunkies are an improbable (and awesome) tale unto themselves. Read more about them here.


  1. Ben

    I like it; A great idea. Just have to figure which rifle to put it on?

  2. Jeepman007

    This will be the next tacticool item at the gun shows

  3. Shortfusepsb

    Great. Now Private Fumble will be able to drop both his weapons out of the helo at the same time…

  4. BAP45

    Tactarded is gonna be my word of the day haha

  5. Frank Karl

    Only a Glock or M&P? That looks like a Kahr in your photos. Reminds me of Mattel’s Six Finger from the 1960-ish. A plastic, “flesh-colored” finger that shot a spring powered pellet.Replace the pistol with a loaded magazine and well, you might have something.

  6. steve

    Theas arnt the same guys that invented the magnetic trauma plate for bullet proof vest so when shot at the plate would attract the rounds are they? Lmfao

  7. Sean

    Great name! Fits perfect for when someone snatches your unwieldy weapon from you and shoves it up your ass!

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