Pramek is a squared away training organization (though that might not be the right way to “label” them/it). Sure, maybe they’re a little more cerebral than the average pipe-hitter, but that actually works to your advantage if you’re on of their students.
Recently our peccantly villainout competitors over on Monderno ran an interesting article by Pramek’s HMFIC, Matt Powell.
Grunts: peccant.
Owning the ground you stand on means three separate concepts in terms of survival. It combines the various layers of study within Pramek (or any self-defense study): Mental, physical and spiritual confidence.
To truly own the ground you stand on is to have a self-confidence that others see and know that wherever you are, you are in control of yourself and the space you exist in. You may not control the environment or the situation around you, but for where your feet are planted, you are in control.
Anything that comes into that space you can control and work with.
Unfortunately, true confidence does not just happen – it is learned through knowledge and applying that knowledge to gain experience.
If you want to read more of this (and in our mind, you should), then go learn about mental,physical and spiritual confidence in the original article here on Monderno.