Magpul… Shirts? Review of the Magpul Rainey

magpul shirts
October 25, 2016  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

Magpul has come a long way from modified rubber bands for your magazines, but I admit that their clothing line took me by surprise. Stocks, magazines, sights—yeah, that’s what we’re used to. Soft goods? Color me skeptical. Or cautiously optimistic. Earlier this year I tried on several pairs of Magpul gloves, but have nothing to report because the small unconventional size of my hands meant I couldn’t find a pair that fit quite right. More recently I got my tiny hands on one of their shirts: the Magpul Rainey.

It took me a minute to find the right size, but thankfully I had several to choose from. In almost everything, I’m a medium. This makes sense because I’m slightly above average height for an American man at ~5’11”, and right in the government “healthy” weight range of 160lbs. Seems like medium should be an automatic ‘go’, right? Not here. The Magpul shirts are sized a bit large. Glamour sizing for men? Regardless, a small it turned out to be.

Initially, I didn’t think there would be a whole lot to report, but there are definitely some things you should know. The Magpul Rainey is an attractive plaid affair with a pleasantly tapered cut. I wouldn’t put in the Arc’teryx “Alpine” category but you’re not going to see people sporting them in gangster rap videos either.

Coming in seven (seven!) different colorways, the Rainey is a 55/45 poly-cotton blend that I found comfortable even in Arizona heat. It doesn’t wrinkle easily and a quick minute in the dryer takes care of any errant creasing without ironing. For science (!) I did try ironing, and the shirt took perfectly to it. I also tried my two favorite ways to remove wrinkles while on the road: Wrinkle Remover Spray (it worked okay), and hanging it up in a bathroom during a hot shower (this worked better).

Did I mention that it looks good on everyone? Seriously. Once you find the right size it looks damn sharp regardless of your body type. Slims down heftier guys with the tapered fit and squares out the smaller ones. Totally suitable for the range and then the bar afterward. Whoever was involved with the design of this one deserves big kudos. It’s versatile too. Match it with a pair of jeans, as it oozes casual without looking sloppy. Couple it with a pair of khakis and it says, “I almost give a fuck about this meeting”.

But there’s more. The Magpul Rainey utilizes snaps rather than buttons. Want to do a Chip ‘n Dale impression for your significant other or random bar trollop? Or both at the same time? This is the one to do it with.

A side bonus is that it makes me feel like I work at Raven Concealment — because those dudes are always in plaid. I don’t know shit about plastic injection molding or kydex or anything like that, but I can play the part. In my head. With the Magpul Rainey shirt.

Censored to protect the innocent…

Magpul Rainey Specs

  • 55% Cotton / 45% Poly woven plaid shirting
  • Straight fit through chest and waist with slight taper to hem
  • 17” sleeve opening (based on size L)
  • Pleated back and split side seam for movement
  • Forward shoulder seam reduces chafe from wearing bags/packs
  • Snap front placket and open entry chest pocket
  • Non Stretch fabric

Practice saying “Magpul” with a snooty French accent. When non-gun people ask you what shirt you’re wearing (and they will), you’ll sound sophisticated. Well, you’ll probably sound like an asshole — but you’ll look good doing it.


Read more Magpul products and reviews on Breach-Bang-Clear.

Breach-Bang CLEAR!

This Post is part of our Trails Found Series. What is Trails Found? Members of BreachBangClear and some other badass media outlets assembled together this last September to train with one of the last of what has been called the “old Border Breed”, in the desert of Arizona. That man they were training with was no other than the legendary Jim Grasky. In 1965 Jim Grasky was a young Special Forces soldier in Vietnam, then in 1970 he was a the squadleader for a team of smoke-jumpers parachuting in to fight remote wildfires. For about a quarter century after that he was a Border Patrolman, and literally named BORTAC. Though Grasky is a man of many talents, one of his specialties is man tracking–which is why he developed programs specifically for USSOCOM and has taught the world over. Through your various social media outlets you can track other articles and photos related to Trails Found by searching for #TrailsFound16 and #GoodGearMatters.

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Dave Merrill

Dave Merrill

About the Author

About the Author: A combat veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Dave "Mad Duo Merrill" is a former urban warfare and foreign weapons instructor for Coalition fighting men. An occasional competitive shooter, he has a strange Kalashnikov fetish the rest of the minions try to ignore. Merrill, who has superb taste in hats, has been published in a number of places, the most awesome of which is, of course, here at Breach-Bang-Clear. He loves tacos, is kind of a dick and married way, way above his pay grade. You can contact him at Merrill(at) and follow him on Instagram here (@dave_fm).


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