Joe Dawson Comes Out

Bruiser Industries and Breach-Bang-Clear contributor Joe Dawson is John Darwin No Longer .
November 12, 2018  
Categories: People

It’s time we finally told you about this. One of our guys is coming out of the (pseudonym) closet. Joe Dawson is retiring after a decade and a half of service as a SEAL; he’s John Darwin no longer.

Don’t worry though. He’s not going to be writing any factional books (fiction books disguised as fact) or posting lots of IG pics from his plane.

Joe Dawson - that's real name of writer John Darwin. He couldn't use his real name until recently because of his job.

Meet CPO (SOC) Joe Dawson, USN Retired

Breach-Bang-Clear Contributor and HMFIC of Bruiser Industries

For a few years now you’ve been reading articles by John Darwin, a name which (as we told you) was a nom-de-plume. His real name is Joe Dawson. He wasn’t able to use his real name due to his job. Joe has retired now though, and he’s free to fly his nerd flag high. And to instruct and consult under his own name, of course.

NOTE. Dawson promises never to write a non-fiction book, nor to pen any exaggerated exploits and tales of derring-do disguised as an autobiography. Certainly nothing with colors, shapes, or the word HEROES in the name. That said, you might see him eventually write a nerdtastic novel.

Joe Dawson is John Darwin No Longer

Dawson, who also writes for Modern Service Weapons, RECOIL, and other places, is a Padrón smoker through and through. He thinks whiskey is good, Scotch is better, and bourbon is best of all…but he also enjoys a good tequila. Since he was asked back after retirement to continue teaching for the DoD he won’t be doing as much private instruction as he’d intended to (see also Bruiser Industries), but his position as an Agency Arms asset and Gray Guns gunbunny will no doubt keep him busy.

Dawson’s Life as a Seaman (*snicker*)

TL/DR: Dawson ran the Naval Special Warfare (SEAL) Sniper School for 3 years.

During his Navy career Dawson deployed to Iraq Afghanistan, and different AOs in the Pacific. From 2011 to 2013 he was the lead Petty Officer in charge of Land Warfare Training. For the last three years he served as the Course Supervisor and Course Manager for the NSW Sniper School (a DoD LV1 Sniper program), concurrently filling both billets.

Meet the Minions - Breach Bang Clear contributor and Bruiser Industries HMFIC Joe Dawson

Dawson’s qualifications are, he advises, “…about what you’d expect.”  He was static line and HAHO/HALO qualified, served as a sniper, lead breacher, HRST Cast Master, Navy Dive Supervisor, Navy Master Training Specialist and Master Training Specialist Mentor, and an Athlete’s Performance SOF Tactical Military Mentor. He was a longtime NSW RSOIC, working small arms, demolitions, indirect fire, CQB, Ground Mobility Vehicle, and other ranges. A reluctant academic, Dawson recently graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BA in Business Administration. He’s a member of the Alpha Lambda Honor Society and is about to start grad school.

Ah, how we hate an over-achiever. Even if he does still fart in the bathtub.

Joe Dawson - the real name of writer John Darwin and owner/founder of Bruiser Industries.

Dawson Details and Personal Trivia

Joe is the scion of a law enforcement family. He is also an avid reader, having most recently completed The Name of the Wind, Last of the Amazons, and Bloody Rose.

Grunts: scion.

He’s a ridonculously devoted dad and a lifelong gearhead, who enjoys turning wrenches with a fierce and terrible love. He also enjoys action shooting as his schedule permits, shooting PRS and USPSA (he’s sponsored by GA Precision, Vortex Optics, Prime Ammo, Mars Guns, SIC, and others), but also dabbles in 3 Gun and IDPA.

You can contact him at TheOtherJoe(at) or Bruiser(at) Most days you can also find him at Nancy’s Squat ‘n’ Gobble.

Breach Bang Clear Minion Joe Dawson - retired NSW and HMFIC of Bruiser Industries

Some fine print stuff:

Connect with Joe Dawson professionally on Instagram, @bruiserindustries, or personally as @joe.dawson45. He is also on Facebook, /BruiserIndustries/ and /Joe.Dawson45/. Bruiser Industries can be found at Private consults and closed training sessions are available.


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Mad Duo

Mad Duo

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The Mad Duo are the most renowned, scholarly, door-kickingest action figures since...well, ever. They, their wretched minions and other abject flunkies are an improbable (and awesome) tale unto themselves. Read more about them here.


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