Despite the somewhat iffy courier service to Castle Morningwood, I was lucky enough to receive one of Benchmade’s Boost folders for an initial look.
The Boost is an everyday carry folder featuring Benchmade’s assisted opening, AXIS® Assist. The handle of the knife is made of Versaflex and has a rubberized texture for added “grippyness” to help maintain control when you flick the knife open. The blade locks with the familiar Benchmade slide mechanism and also has a “lock out” feature that won’t allow the knife to deploy when engaged, or if engaged on an open knife won’t let the blade close. This is a nice touch for some of the more clumsy wielders. The handle has also incorporated an ambidextrous mount for the deep concealment pocket clip, and a lanyard hole.
You can read all about the Benchmade Boost 590 folding knife on the House Morningwood site.