For decades, warriors in our armed forces have been using tomahawks in battle, from the 1700s through the Civil War, Viet Nam, and every war in between. Of course, the original users of the tomahawk were the Algonquian Indians, who made the first ones using stone heads and wooden handles, attaching the heads with strips of rawhide. The Leni Lenape tribes of Pennsylvania used Jasper, a naturally occurring stone found only in Pennsylvania, for the heads (as well as arrowheads and other cutting implements). Today’s hawks have come a long way from those of years gone past, utilizing the most modern materials available.
Finding the Right Tomahawk
When I intend to buy a piece of gear, I often do some research to see how it performs and what the best bargain is. My friend, Jason, loves researching weapons like a chick loves a bag of dicks. The nice thing about having a friend who goes completely overboard with this kind of research is that he often will spend days with it (I’ll spend an hour or so), and then he gives me his findings. Jason actually enjoys researching like this, it’s an obsession of his.
So when he and I were discussing edged tools, and tomahawks, in particular, he went into information overload mode, and I smiled and shook my head. God love him! Soon, he reported that he struck upon the bargain of the century.
A Respected Company and Designer
Columbia River Knife and Tool (CRKT), an Oregon-based company, was started in 1994. They offer a number of good values in cutlery. I was already familiar with this company when my friend mentioned them, having previously used a few of their products.
Enter the Kangee Woods T-Hawk
This tomahawk was designed by Ryan Johnson, a gifted designer who runs RMJ Tactical. I had used one of Ryan’s tactical tomahawks during a Vehicle Tactics class a few years back. I tore into a vehicle with it, and it viciously tore through the car’s body, ripping out large pieces of metal. I literally could have taken the body of that car completely apart, and the tomahawk was utterly unfazed, barely having a scratch on it. That got my attention! RMJ puts out a spectacular product!
Now CRKT has adopted Ryan’s designs and is manufacturing tomahawks. Being familiar with RMJ’s hawks and CRKT’s quality, my interest was piqued. My friend reported that this was the bargain to go for. He didn’t need to convince me, I knew that I needed one, and soon.
What’s the T-Hawk Like? Glad You Asked!
When the T-Hawk arrived, the first thing that shocked me was how sharp the edge was; it was like a razor, and could shave hair! Overall, the tomahawk is extremely sturdy and hefty, having a head made from drop-forged 1055 carbon steel, with the forward edge being hardened, and the rest of the head springy. The blade length is 4.21 inches, so it’s got a good amount of cutting edge. The steel is finished with clear lacquer, and the color of the metal is a medium grey color.
Specs, Construction, Design, and Function
This is not a small tool, the overall length being 19.13 inches, weighing 1.98 pounds. When the user swings this hawk, it has enough weight that it really bites into whatever he is trying to cut. The blade thickness is .40 inches. Completing the package is a hickory handle that is very sturdy, and the head is on the handle securely; so far, it shows no signs of coming loose. After the abuse I’ve subjected it to so far, I seriously doubt that it will ever come loose.
Opposite the cutting edge of the blade is the spike. And a wicked spike it is! This thing is very pointy and so useful for tearing into wood, tree stumps, and anything else you’d care to tear apart. I’m positive it would rip into a car body with the best of them. It would also serve as a breaching tool to rip into a building door.
This hawk’s handle is long enough that the user can grip it and swing it using both hands or just one hand. As I mentioned, it has some heft to it. I dug and cut out over a dozen stumps from some arborvitae trees in our yard several years back, and the Kangee Hawk was a huge help in getting the task done.
The spike has proven very useful for digging and tearing at wood, and will also dig into the ground — including frozen ground. This tomahawk would be the perfect addition to a backpack for a trip into the woods. It’s a tool that will provide shelter and wood for a fire, as well as protection.
The tomahawk is a terrifying weapon, and one strike from a hawk would be devastating. I can’t think of a scarier close-quarters edged weapon. If I had no firearms to defend my home with, the tomahawk would likely be my next choice. Woe to my invading enemies!
It’s a Solid Tomahawk at a Great Value
All in all, the Kangee T-Hawk is a very durable, efficient tool that fills a multitude of roles. It sells for $49.99 on the CRKT website but can be had for well under that from other sources. The buyer gets more than what he is paying for, this is an insane value!
Jason was absolutely right when he told me of the value of this deal, and I’m glad I listened. You should too!
See more Monday Night Knife Fights.
Jim Davis: Read more of his articles.
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