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Cannae Transport Tactical Duffle Bag
Ryan the Hoot
Cannae (kind of pronounced the way Forest Gump says Jenny) released the new Transport Tactical Duffle Bag earlier this year. Not long ago, we got our sweaty hands on it. This bag has served us very well, carrying sweat-soaked clothes and gym gear to and from the house of pain and helping us live out of various hotels on weekends.
The Transport Tactical Duffel is currently offered in either black or coyote. The exterior of the bag has a long mesh pocket on the side, which works great to hold a towel or clothes that are dirty or dripping with saline solution. This works well for travel or as a gym bag — we’ve primarily been using ours for the latter. However, there was one feature that left us perplexed: a hole at the bottom center of the mesh area along the lower seam. Perhaps it’s drainage, as the bottom of the pocket isn’t mesh.
Not really sure about that.
Speaking of the bottom of the bag, it has a rubberized coating and four rubber feet. This bag has gone as checked baggage on four separate flights now with multiple aircraft swaps, and still looks brand new. That isn’t something we can say of ordinary plastic rolling luggage.
Another mesh section is at the end of the bag and offers plenty of space for your boots, assuming you wear an average size. We managed to cram a pair of size 15s in it, but the bag capacity was greatly diminished. On a recent work trip, we had a set of combat boots, BDUs, change of civvies, and shower stuff crammed in the bag with space to spare.
The other use for this area is dirty clothes, and the one on the side for a towel and flip flops. Why flip flops? No one wants to get crotch rot or warts from a public shower. Your feet need to travel through your underwear, so put your socks on first, fool.
The interior of the bag has a couple of Velcro strips, which stiffeners can be attached to. This gives the bag some shape when loose items are in it.
Each side of the divider has a zippered mesh pocket on it. The zippered portions typically hold my wallet, keys and earbuds. They would also be a good storage spot for pre-workout or protein powder if you’re looking to maximize your gainz. For frequent flyers, they also make a decent spot to tuck things like your passport and airplane tickets into for safekeeping. The only thing we would have changed would be to line the entire wall surface with Velcro, allowing for more divider placement options.
To top it all off, the bag has carry handles on the end, carry handles that go over the top and Velcro together, and a padded shoulder strap. The padded strap came in handy on a recent trip when our hotel had no parking nearby. We had to drag our fully-loaded bag a mile down the road.
Overall, we’re pretty happy with the Cannae Transport Tactical Duffel. It’s well-built, well-thought-out, and relatively light-weight. We look forward to Cannae coming up with a range bag to accompany it at some point. You can check out more from Cannae on their Youtube channel.
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Aboot the Author
What can we say aboot Ryan Houtekamer? Well, he was a cannon cocker in the Army for a while, then moved on to some sort of metal-bending aircraft structural engineering type billet in the Canadian Air Force. He’s a keen outdoorsman, spelunker, and fisherman who loves to tinker with all the things. Houtekamer is Breach-Bang-Clear’s northernmost Minion; he actually lives where it costs us extra to ship stuff to ‘cuz if has to go by dogsled part of the way.
True story.
Houtekamer actually enjoys cold weather, and revels in bombogenesis. Come to think of it, he’d fill a pretty good supporting role in a Jack London story. You can follow him on Instagram, @2centtac if you like (his tag is not, as you might expect, @Rhinopithecus bieti Canadius giganticus); there you will discover that he’s not just gear-curious, he’s a nerd too.
Grunts: bombogenesis.