Yes, this tomfuc&ery is still going on. You have to wonder — why does someone utterly unfamiliar with the law, who doesn’t recognize the acronym NFA, feel qualified to opine? And how did we sink to this low? Mad Duo
Uninformed Gun Control Hypocrisy After Mass Shootings
It’s Crazy Stupid
Jenn Jacques
Gun control hypocrisy continues unabated.
Thirty-eight states submit less than 80% of their felony convictions to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). That system has denied nearly two and a half million firearm sales since 1998 for cause.
Yet somehow mass murders like the one in Sutherland Springs is the NRA’s fault.
That’s the same NRA, by the way, who four years ago went to the White House asking for greater efforts to address the lackluster prosecution rates for people attempting to purchase a firearm illegally (i.e. by lying on an FFL or other method). They were rebuffed.
This isn’t something gun control activists do not want to acknowledge, and that’s assuming they even know about it. Instead of doing something constructive, they add insult to injury with banal social media comments and uniformed, sensational commentary.
Any sensible and caring individual might respond to a national tragedy, be it a mass shooting or a terrorist attack with a truck or a plane, by expressing a phrase like, “Our thoughts and prayers are with you…” That is not a platitude.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this innocent and empathetic sentiment would come under attack after a tragedy, much less a deadly mass shooting.
Leave it to gun-grabbers to lower the standards of civility in America.
After the shooting in Texas, politicians and celebutards alike kicked off a wild rumpus of stomping feet and mad tweeting — eager to point fingers and damn those who dared to offer puny and insufficient thoughts and prayers.
….3…..2…..1….. Cue outrage from the blue checkmarks!
The shooter, as it happens, was an individual who was not legally able to purchase a firearm, and therefore not an individual that the NRA or any other sane gun owner would defend. Although he had applied for and been denied a concealed carry permit, he lied on his firearms application, a federal offense mind you, but criminals know they don’t have much to fear in attempting to ‘lie and try’ to get a gun from a firearms dealer.
It is no doubt much to the chagrin of gun control groupies everywhere that the NRA has continued to press the White House about the shameful prosecution rate for prohibited persons. People continue to ‘lie and try’, attempting to buy firearms legally by lying on an FFL 4473 form, but see jail time a disturbingly low percentage of the time.
In 2013, NRA representative Jim Baker met with then Vice President Joe Biden to express the gun rights call to prosecute individuals who break existing gun laws. He was shocked at the response.
According to Baker, Biden responded,
“…regarding the lack of prosecutions on lying on Form 4473s, we simply don’t have the time or manpower to prosecute everybody who lies on a form, that checks a wrong box, that answers a question inaccurately.”
I find it exceedingly interesting that all these enlightened, independent thinking ‘stars’ of today dare to ask the same pressing question gun owners and the NRA have been asking (and lobbying to have answered) for years.
“How many more have to die before we act?”
The National Instant Criminal Background Check System has denied more than 2.4 million sales since it’s inception in 1998. Both gun rights supporters and gun control advocates agree: the system is deeply flawed and needs to be fixed.
But while the gun-grabbers hold out for total gun control, writhing and gnashing their teeth after mass shootings like the one in Texas, gun owners continue complaining about the 38 states that continue to submit less than 80 percent of felony convictions to the NICS system.
So why can’t we the system today in order to prevent a senseless tragedy tomorrow?
To put it bluntly, because the NRA and gun owners advocate for it. A quick common sense fix isn’t enough. Gun control activists truly want to end the Second Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms.
In a video published in January 2016, Wayne LaPierre made an astute observation, asking viewers,
“What do the Oregon killer, the WDBJ killer, the Charleston church killer, the Santa Barbara killer, the Maryland mall killer, the LA airport killer, the DC Navy Yard killer, the Aurora movie theatre killer, the Tucson killer, the Virginia Tech killer, and both Ft. Hood killers have in common?
Every single one of them passed a background check.
If you cast a net and fish swim through the holes, you don’t need a bigger net. You need smaller holes.”
Does his sensibility hurt the #GunSense crowd? Absolutely. If they have nothing to blame but the very system the NRA and gun owners are already fighting to fix, they’re left with the painful realization that at the end of the day, you can’t just legislate evil away.
In my humble opinion, it is the gun control agenda’s refusal to fix a broken system and gross failure to act that is to blame for these instances — not the NRA or law-abiding gun owners.
Brought to you today by SureFire (/SureFire/). A member of JTF Awesome.
Follow SureFire on Instagram, @SureFire_LLC.
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Mad Duo, Breach-Bang & CLEAR!
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About the Author: Jenn “Jakes” Jacques was born and raised in a big Belgian family in rural Northern Wisconsin — but don’t hold that against her. This does, however, make her sound Canadian-ish don’tchaknow. That you can hold against her. She is a wife, a mother, a Visiting Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, a frequent pontificatatrix1 for the NRA, a former editor for Bearing Arms, and what we describe around here as a “good hand with a gun.” She appears frequently on NRAtv, has been covered by, the Washington Post, and Women’s Outdoor News, and perhaps more importantly has a ridiculous working knowledge of 80s movie trivia. Jakes an active and ardent supporter of the Second Amendment, an outspoken concealed carry advocate, and an avid outdoorswoman. If you can’t find her fishing, she’s likely hunting or running like a frenetic mad woman (kinda the same way she talks) on any number of Badger State nature trails. Jenn (who was once crowned Miss Barron County!) is a former private investigator who once made a field goal in the Don Hudson Center at 30 yards (that’s a true story). She is married to a great beast of a man with whom she has three children. Jenn drinks Pabst Blue Ribbon and has great taste in bourbon. ‘Nuff said.
Follow Jenn on Twitter, if you are a Twitter-er, @JennJacques and she is on Facebook. Her website is; follow both if you wanna, she’s always blabbering about something.
1 Yes, we made that term up, don’t tell us how to Freedom.
Very well done article I’m biased being a law abiding gun owner. It seems divisiveness has torn the fabric of American society into a place where differences mean everything. Where tragedies don’t create solidarity but hostility.