Tamara Keel? Tamrawesome

Tamara Keel
January 10, 2024  
Categories: People

We’re posting this one as an FYSA because it’s once again Woman Crush Wednesday, and it’s entirely possible some of you still aren’t following Tamara Keel. Which you really should be. Why, you ask? Glad you asked.

Tamara Keel authorIs it because she’s a former E-light commando-turned-instructor like John Reisman, Rita Vrataski, or Todd 3465? No indeed. In point of fact, she’s more of an Everett McGill or Buster Scruggs. Maybe with some Kameelah Jackson thrown in.

if you’ll forgive the mixing of metaphors. 

No, it’s none of that. It’s because she’s an appallingly witty specimen of gun-toting womanhood who has likely forgotten more about how guns work — and how to hit what you’re aimin’ at — than a large part of our tribe (including most of you reading this). 

Also, because she says things like,

  • “I only regret that I have but one fact to palm for my country.” 
  • “Morons are nature’s original renewable resource.” 
  • “[W]hen you’re looking for the devil behind every bush, you get a lot of false positives.”
  • “[He was] as down-and-out as it was possible to be without actually having a midget in a clown suit run out and kick him in the junk right as the credits rolled.”
  • “It’s times like that when having made a bunch of deposits in the training bank pays off, because that’s a heck of a big withdrawal.”

Then there’s her vocabulary. How do you not like someone who uses the words enshittification and antisanguinity?

And who read Gilgamesh in the Outback

More Tamrawesome: 


I carried Glocks for years. I likely will again at some point. I was a moderator at the GlockTalk forum twenty-three years ago. I even had a Glock desktop theme on my Win95 computer. (Remember desktop themes? Mine played a .WAV of that Tommy Lee Jones ‘nickel-plated sissy pistol’ quote when I shut it down.)


Who is Tamara Keel?

That’s a real question, not a John Galt reference. Tamara describes herself as Just some poser with too many opinions, and when is one of our very favorite writers. Hence Tamrawesome. 

Tamara made a living slinging guns across the glass (meaning, she was in the firearm retail business, chuckleheads) for more than 20 years, so it goes without saying she’s been muzzled more times than just about anyone we know.

That’s why she gets a little twitchy on occasion.

Tamara writes regularly for a wide array of places, including publications like SWAT Magazine, Concealed Carry Magazine, and Lucky Gunner. She’s the Handgun Editor for the NRA’s Shooting Illustrated magazine. But it’s not just on dead trees that she writes — as you’ll see if you follow our advice and read her blog (or back her on Patreon). She’s into making fun of gun hipsters, shooting bowling pin matches, drinking new craft beers, and collecting old and outdated cameras. 

In a perfect world, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms would be a store with a drive-through window.

Follow her on Facebook or Instagram

Here are a couple Tamrawesome posts you might like. This will get you started. 


Have a favorite Keel quote or article? Let us know in the comments. 

Read more installments of Woman Crush Wednesday.

Writer, blogger, photographer and woman of excoriating wit, Tamara Keel.

Writer, blogger, photographer and woman of excoriating wit, Tamara Keel.


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Reported on today by the News Desk. Our goal is to inform, educate, edify, and enlighten. Warrior-scholar or everyman, we believe everyone should think and be dangerous.


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