Punk Drummer “Gives a Kit” — Donates PPE Kits to Local First Responders

Branden Steineckert and the Give Kits Foundation teamed up to get PPE kits to the St. George, Utah PD, and FD. 
May 7, 2020  
Categories: Op-Eds

Face masks, gloves, hand sanitizer — we’ve seen what happens when these things run out. Here’s a feel-good article for ya about some folks who’ve been working to get PPE kits out to the people who need it most. -Breach-Bang-Clear.

The Ongoing Need for PPE Kits

We know everyone is sick of hearing about COVID-19. Sick of the conspiracy theories, sick of the quarantine, sick of being told what to do, and most importantly sick of the political shit storm rising out of this.

We are sick of it too, but since most of us, in one way or another, ARE or are connected to active duty, nurses and LEO’s we also care about what they are having to deal with, knowing that no matter how “sick of it” they get, there is nothing they can do but keep showing up day in and day out.

Those of us connected know that many public institutions lack the funding and access needed to purchase and maintain proper first aid equipment. This is nothing new. This means Nurses, Police, Fire Stations, and EMT’s are currently responding to situations inadequately protected from exposure to COVID-19. Hell, the Police down in St. George, Utah tell of situations responding to calls and people are coughing in their faces. Isn’t that a kick in the ass, showing up to help out and dealing with that!

Drumming Up the Goods

When we came across this story of Branden Steineckert, drummer for the punk band Rancid donating some PPE kits to the St. George, Utah PD and FD we wanted to share it with you. Why? Simple. Because it’s pretty bad-ass that a drummer for a punk band cares about the first responders in his area. 

Tiffany and Branden Steineckert joined up with the Give Kits Foundation to bring PPE Kits to first responders.

Danielle and Branden Steineckert joined up with the Give Kits Foundation to bring PPE Kits to first responders.

Anyway, back in 2015 The Give Kits Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was founded based on the fact institutions needed first aid supplies. They wanted to create an easy way for individuals to donate first aid kits to departments right in their neighborhoods. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the Give Kits Foundation quickly jumped into action and focused on getting PPE kits to those needing it most these days, first responders. That’s when Branden Steineckert, current drummer for the band Rancid and former drummer & co-founder of the band ”The Used” stepped in.

Steineckert delivers PPE kits to the St. George Fire Department.

Steineckert delivers PPE kits to the St. George Fire Department.

St. George, Utah Fire Department accepts PPE Kits from Brandan Steineckert and the Give Kits Foundation.

Branden wanted to help. “My wife and I were making masks at home, we just wanted to help. We were staying at home and knew there was a need, knew there had to be a way to help those protecting our community” Branden told Fox 13 KSTU of Utah. That’s when Branden and the Give Kits Foundation teamed up to get PPE to the St. George, Utah PD, and FD. 

Officer Tiffany Atkin shared “None of us want to get sick. Our job is to protect the community, if we’re sick, we can’t do that. We are super grateful for this donation. There are 5 uses in each kit, which means our officers can throw a kit on their front seat and this will set them up for the week, keeping us working and keeping our community safe, which is our ultimate goal.”

Officer accepting PPE Kits from the Give Kits Foundation.

Officer Tiffany Atkin accepts PPE kits on behalf of the St. George PD from the Steineckerts and the Give Kits Foundation.

To all of you on the front lines, keep showing up. People do care. Lots of people care. I think the one good thing coming out of all this is that we are finding out most people do “Give a Kit”.

You Can “Give a Kit” Too!

The Give Kits Foundation has made it easy to donate essential PPE Kits directly to the Fire Fighters, Law Enforcement Officers, or Nurses you choose, in your community.

Learn more at Give Kits

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Sara Liberte

Sara Liberte

About the Author

Sara Liberte is a 100% indisputable adventuress. She's a graduate of the Montserrat College of Art and the Unofficial University of Offroad Literal Cross-Country Journeying (itself associated with the famous "School of Hard Knocks"). A photographer/videographer of supreme talent and utter disregard for inclement weather, arduous conditions, or little things like the law of averages, Sara is an eleutheromaniac who loves firearms, motorsports, motorcycles and…well, all vehicles, really, as long as they’re the kind that gets dirty and generates adrenaline. She travels the US in a van called the Dodge Mahal, dog at her side (he also rides in her motorcycle sidecar). If you need to find her, you’ll have to look outside. Try moto-events, mountain ranges, or firearms classes. She runs the website Garage Girls and is the author of "How to Repair and Maintain American V-Twin Motorcycles", "1000 Biker Tattoos", and other works. Her work has appeared in Easy Riders Magzine, In The Wind, Hot Bike, Street Chopper, IronWorks, Cycle Source, RECOIL Magazine, OFFGRID Magazine, and many other places. What more is there to say?


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