Thank You Paul Harrell

February 11, 2024  
Categories: People

I have been a fan of Paul Harrell for several years. I stumbled across one of his videos by accident when researching something (I don’t recall what) for The Mag Life, Gunmag Warehouse’s blog. I wish I’d known about him way earlier. First, I’d have been better educated much sooner. Second, I’d have damn sure tried to interview him or even get him involved in some way with Breach-Bang-Clear, RECOIL Magazine, or one of the other projects I was privileged to be involved with. 

If you have not been watching his videos, please do. You can subscribe to his YouTube Channel right here

Word has come that Mr. Harrell is shuffling off this mortal coil. He is battling terminal cancer and, according to at least some reports, is now in hospice. That’s at least part of why I’m writing this. 

BLUF: Tri-Star Trading Company is conducting a fundraiser on his behalf. ALL profits (not just a portion) are going to Mr. Harrell and his wife. 

An astonishing number of GunTubers, writers, editors, and other folks in the firearms/tactics world. Some of them probably know the man personally. I’m not one of them. I’ve just always been impressed with his pragmatic, everyman delivery, his sense of humor, and his down to earth, approachable demeanor. 

There are more than a few inflated instructor “celebrity” personalities out there, excellent teachers who are, shall we say, unfortunately aware of their own abilities and influence. 

Paul Harrell is not one of those. 

I won’t belabor the point. If you haven’t been watching his videos, give them a try. If you have been watching his videos I’m confident you’re nodding your head in agreement while reading these words.

Go get a shirt. 

Paul Harrell fundraiser shirt at TriStar Trading.

The Paul Harrell fundraiser shirt is available from TriStar Trading.


I’ll come back soon and update this with some of my favorite Paul Harrell quotes and videos; for now, thank you for taking the time to read.

Paul Harrell YouTube channel

“Hi, we’re out on the range today, so please bear with the gunfire you hear in the background.” Paul Harrell



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David Reeder

David Reeder

About the Author

1 Comment

  1. Grace Day

    Thank you for spreading the word about Paul and his fundraiser. Although I haven’t had the honor of meeting him in person either, his wit and wisdom have been shining examples of excellence in teaching. I feel as if he’s a favorite uncle. He’s already sorely missed. I’m going to get shirts as soon as this posts.

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