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MNKF: Head Hunter Blade’s Drengar
Alexander Crown
It’s no secret that I have a thing for Head Hunter Blades. I like the robustness of the designs, the feel and shape of the grips, and of course the mad street cred I get at work for having such sweet knives. One of those sweet Head Hunter knives is the Drengar.
The Drengar has history in both design and name from very different regions. The blade’s design roots go back to an ancient Egyptian flint-knapped dagger. However, I usually describe the knife as a miniature Gladiator sword and subsequently insist that people refer to me as “The Spaniard” when I wield it.
That’s a true story.
The name Drengar has little to do with Spanish Gladiators or Russell Crowe or Egyptians, and originates from some of our other favorite warriors, the Vikings. The essence of a drengr, according to Snorri Sturluson, is beyond bravery and encompasses nobility, magnanimity, fairness, respect, integrity, and strong personal honor. Knowing the meaning of the name makes me feel less worthy of such a weapon.
As with most of Tuhon Harley Elmore’s knives, the Drengar was made at the request of Special Operations personnel who participate in Elmore’s training regime. The overall length of the Drengar is 11″ with six of those inches being blade, which at its widest point is 1.5″ wide. The Drengar features a double grind and is made of AUS8 steel.
The sheer size of the blade is important for extreme penetration depth. My favorite line from Head Hunter’s website is “its length and width allow for a very deep penetration and the width allows for the Operator to physically move the subject once penetration has occurred.” #merica
The grips are G10 for longevity and have a prominent palm swell. This swell is touted as decreasing the chance of rotation during combative situations. The butt has an excellent flare, much like Jennifer Aniston (that’s an Office Space joke, admittedly not delivered well), and is made to aid in the draw stroke. Speaking of strokes, according to the website the Drengar is meant to be used in conjunction with a full kit and situated on the centerline of the user. However, I have seen a certain Tuhon conceal carry the Drengar IWB, with a Glock 34. I’m unable to achieve that level of concealment.
The Drengar comes with a kydex sheath and inert trainer. The trainer is blue anodized aluminum and is ½” shorter than the live blade. This compensates for training scars of not being able to penetrate your partner. The sheath is compatible with the trainer and is symmetrical, allowing for the live blade and trainer to be inserted with no dependence on the side direction. The sheath also features a removable metal belt clip. The clip is held in place with a very stiff, almost Velcro-like material. I have no idea what it’s called but it’s very effective at maintaining the clip and allowing the user to put the clip at an angle for easier mounting.
Tuhon Harley Elmore, of Head Hunter Blades, makes some very specialized fighting knives. His background in Sayoc Kali and his diverse legion of students gives him great insight into fighting knife design, material, and implementation. If you’re into that sort of thing, check out the Drengar or more information about Elmore’s training.
Brought to you today by Propper (@wearpropper), a member of JTF Awesome.
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About the Author: Alexander Crown was the littlest big mistake Gemtech ever hired–and they even manage to continue to promote him to higher positions. Prior to his early retirement (caused by an enemy winning a marksmanship award at the cost of his hamstring), Alexander served in the 3/509 PIR out of Ft. Richardson and spent a little time in Iraq. In addition to dabbling in the world of silencers and science fiction, he has a BS in biology and is an avid gardener — like, the kind of gardener Hugh Farnham would appreciate and Alec Holland would envy.