John “Shrek” McPhee: the 75th Jump

75th anniversary of D-Day with John Shrek McPhee the Sheriff of Baghdad
April 4, 2019  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

We recently received word from the Sheriff of Baghdad, John “Shrek” McPhee of SOB Tactical. He’s on a mission, and he needs some help to accomplish it.

Update 4/4/19: McPhee is jumping into France.

Support the documentary: 75th Anniversary of D-Day “Spirit of the Soldier.”


75th anniversary of D Day

With the Liberty Jump Team

June 6th 1944 marks a very important day in world history, the Allied invasion of France during the second world war. The daring mission of Operation Overlord to establish a foothold along the Normandy coast would prove to be the largest amphibious invasions in history, and critical in freeing fortress Europe from the clutches of Nazi control.

This upcoming June is the 75th anniversary of the invasion, and precious few of the surviving veterans remain making this arguably one of the most important anniversaries to observe.

On the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, retired US Army Ranger and Special Forces Sergeant Major John “Shrek” McPhee of SOB Tactical will visit historic WWII sites with his brethren Rangers, to retrace the footsteps of the original Rangers and Paratroopers of that day.

At the end of this adventure, John will be re-enacting the D-day paratrooper jump with the Liberty Jump team.

When John started to plan this once in a lifetime trip, a lot of friends and students got excited, and wished they could go along. Obviously, we can’t all go but it got Shrek thinking. “Why not document the trip? Time is slipping away to hear about the exploits of our soldiers in their own words, and opportunities to have this many generations of Ranger in one place are nearly impossible.

John plans to film a full documentary showing the birthplace of the modern Rangers, and travel to Normandy to meet with Ranger Veterans from that day, the 2nd and 5th Ranger Battalion members that participated in the D-Day landings at Omaha Beach, Normandy, June 6, 1944. It was during the bitter fighting along the beaches that the Rangers gained their motto, “Rangers, lead the way!” as they conducted daring missions to include scaling the cliffs of Pointe Du Hoc, overlooking Omaha Beach, to destroy German gun emplacements trained on the beachhead.

With your help, we can bring this project to life. Your donation will go directly to the film production for this project. Hitting our goal for this project allows us to provide the plane tickets, lodging, production equipment, and documentary crew that will elevate the level of production and cinematic quality of this project. Please view the Gofundme page for additional information and updates!

Support the 75th anniversary of the D Day mission.

John "Shrek" McPhee is known as the Sheriff of Baghdad

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Reported on today by the News Desk. Our goal is to inform, educate, edify, and enlighten. Warrior-scholar or everyman, we believe everyone should think and be dangerous.

1 Comment

  1. Sean Aiken

    T hanks Shrek and all others, for
    our freedoms.

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