The painting you see above is called Raised in War. It is by an artist who goes by Invader Girl on Instagram.
She is also responsible for this next one: “Tool of War”.

A portion of the “Tool of War” painting by @_invadergirl_.
If you dig her style (as I do), then hot damn for me, it’s a two-fer. I want you to know about her work and I also want to point attention to a fundraiser she is supporting with one of her paintings: .
She’s raffling off this painting to help raise money for a former Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) tech and his family fight cancer.
Cost is $1 per ticket and all proceeds go to the family of SCPO Josh Christy.
“Gone Plinking” by @_invadergirl_. All proceeds from this raffle will go to the Josh Christy family. Senior Chief Petty Officer Christy is a 36-year-old Navy EOD veteran of 16 years’ service. He was recently rotated home from an overseas deployment with severe, debilitating symptoms that were found to be related to an aggressive, incurable brain cancer.
The raffle will be held via Live IG on Friday July 22nd at 6pm. You’ve got plenty of time to get one (or 50) between now and then.
An excerpt from the GoFund Me Description:
Josh deployed on schedule, but the constant headaches did not cease. In fact, they became increasingly severe and long-lasting. On many days, Josh had severe headaches that lasted 24 hours at a time, day after day. Stirling was very concerned and started to encourage Josh to go get checked out. The headaches began to cause more severe symptoms, such as vomiting, eye pain, light sensitivity, and double vision.After 5 months of non-stop chronic headaches, vision changes and vomiting (and pressure from Stirling), Josh worked with his leadership to return home to San Diego at the beginning of June. Anyone who knows him can understand that it was a very tough decision for Josh to leave his team and return home from deployment early. That turned out to be a good decision.
SCPO Josh Christy is a US Navy veteran EOD Tech of 16 years. He is married with two children.
SCPO Christy well be receiving treatment at the University of California San Diego and the California Protons Cancer Therapy Center over the next several months.
If you don’t want a raffle ticket (or 50) you can just go straight to the family’s Go Fund Me page.
Don’t let the shitty gif we made deter you from a badass painting.
As you can see from her work and her words, Invader Girl runs a Social Media Account That Doesn’t SuckTM © ® and thus is part of the FYSA files. The imagery has been taken from multiple posts and from the Invader Girl Art website.
Check out more FYSA Files if you want to see more SMATDSTM ©®.
More Invader Girl Art
“Hells Bells” by @_invadergirl_
“Land Shark” by Invader Girl art.
Wow. . . dont know what else to comment, very, very good works of art. . .