Slumberjack Wheeler Lake 20 Sleeping Bag | Eyes On

May 23, 2018  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

I like to be outside, away from people.  I groove better with nature and animals. I used to sleep in tents and even just on the ground in a sleeping bag, but a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away I was introduced to van camping, and have been hooked ever since.

I still use sleeping bags though, inside my van and outside, and always have one with me. So I got myself one from Slumberjack, the Wheeler Lake 20 degree bag.

Slumberjack Sleeping Bag

Upon first look I’m impressed with a few of the features, like the 2 in 1 hood, can use it as a platform to take your favorite pillow from home or zip it up like a hood tight around your head.

I also like the large area at the bottom, this gives you the ability to keep your toes up.  The zippers are a bright color to help you find them quick, but I’ll be honest, I got my zipper stuck on the fabric a few times and had to back my way down to get “unstuck.”

Slumberjack Sleeping Bag

Sara in the Slumberjack 20 Wheeler Lake, tucked away in the new Battle Van.

I have problems zipping my jacket on, so I really can’t say if this is a flaw on their end, or I’m just zipper challenged (pretty sure it’s me …). It does come rolled up inside a stuff sack, making it easy to grab.

I’ll be heading to the mountains soon and I can put it through the works than to see how she holds up.   As you can see, when I tested it out in my van, my pup likes the bag, he always finds his way to the comfy spots …

Here are some specs from their website:

  • Fill Weight: 4 lbs
  • Carry Weight: 5 lbs 3 oz
  • Fits to: 6 ft 4 in
  • Dimensions: 84 x 34 in


  • Insulation: Slumberloft™ Synthetic Insulation
  • Shell Fabric: 190T Polyester Taffeta
  • Liner Fabric: 190T Polyester Taffeta
Slumberjack Sleeping Bag

Slumberjack 20 Wheeler Lake – Jasper is not easily impressed. 

Slumberjack is online at They also have an extensive lineup on Amazon Prime and Cabela’s.

Be sure to check out the story of Sara’s most recent van build the “Battlevan” aka “Van Solo” right here on Breach Bang Clear.

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Sara Liberte

Sara Liberte

About the Author

Sara Liberte is a 100% indisputable adventuress. She's a graduate of the Montserrat College of Art and the Unofficial University of Offroad Literal Cross-Country Journeying (itself associated with the famous "School of Hard Knocks"). A photographer/videographer of supreme talent and utter disregard for inclement weather, arduous conditions, or little things like the law of averages, Sara is an eleutheromaniac who loves firearms, motorsports, motorcycles and…well, all vehicles, really, as long as they’re the kind that gets dirty and generates adrenaline. She travels the US in a van called the Dodge Mahal, dog at her side (he also rides in her motorcycle sidecar). If you need to find her, you’ll have to look outside. Try moto-events, mountain ranges, or firearms classes. She runs the website Garage Girls and is the author of "How to Repair and Maintain American V-Twin Motorcycles", "1000 Biker Tattoos", and other works. Her work has appeared in Easy Riders Magzine, In The Wind, Hot Bike, Street Chopper, IronWorks, Cycle Source, RECOIL Magazine, OFFGRID Magazine, and many other places. What more is there to say?


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