Vehicle Build: Breach-Bang-Battle Van?

March 6, 2017  
Categories: Op-Eds

Today’s article brought to you by Garage Girls and anyone that likes girls who ride motorcycles.

Our girl Sara Liberte (pronounced Liberty, as in ‘Merica!) is retiring the Dodge Mahal (the vehicle she’s been crisscrossing the country in for the last several years) and building a new set of wheels. For now it’s the Battle Van — once we know what his actual name is, we’ll let you know.

We’re helping Sara build this thing. We’re gonna get it rigged up Bristol fashion so it can go anywhere and do anything. Think shooting platform up top for long range customer service, back-up generator, water purifier, secure weapon and photo equipment storage, grid-down comms, a cyber work station, all of that. We’re gonna make this an extended range, B.A. Baracus and Hell Tanner worthy, by damn comfortable billet that will brook neither contradiction nor interruption when it comes to our itinerant correspondent’s perambulating peregrinations.

This is going to be the greatest van in the history of vans.

Grunts: peregrination.

It’s not just us that’s gonna be working with her. Both OFFGRID and RECOIL magazines are in on it too.  Among the companies involved with the project so far are Zamp Solar, Aluminess, Truck Vault, ShotLok, Design Engineering, and Norcold. We’re going to be talking to companies in the Front Runner Outfitters, Quigley 4×4, and…well, frankly, whomever our readership suggests to us. We’re looking for some four wheel drive conversion, some tires and wheels, a light bar of some kind, maybe some 2.75 in. rockets? You know, M-261 style? Tell us what companies you’ve dealt with and how their gear held up.

Oh, and we’re going to install assorted necessities for her dog. Because it’s. her. dog.

So, more to follow soon. Watch this frequency and the other sites/magazines we mentioned for more articles, photos, and video. We’re still debating a hashtag. Maybe #breachbangbattlevan? Give us some suggestion.  This is gonna be a great ride.


About Sara – Sara Liberte won the MFing lottery when it comes to last names. She’s a photographer/videographer of supreme talent with a complete disregard for inclement weather, arduous conditions, and little things like the law of averages. Sara’s an eleutheromaniac who loves firearms, motorsports, motorcycles and…well, all vehicles, really, as long as they’re the kind that gets dirty and generates adrenaline. She travels (well, traveled) the US in a van called the Dodge Mahal, dog at her side (he also rides in her motorcycle sidecar). If you need to find her, you’ll have to look outside. Try moto-events, mountain ranges, or firearms classes.


Liberte’s favorite movie is “First Blood”, she runs the website Garage Girls and is the author of How to Repair and Maintain American V-Twin Motorcycles and 1000 Biker Tattoos. Her work has appeared in Easy Riders, In The Wind, Hot Bike, Street Chopper, IronWorks, Cycle Source, and RECOIL Magazine.

What more is there to say?

Follow her on Instagram, @saralibertephotography. She’s on Facebook too.

Grunts: eleutheromania.





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  1. Chris

    Dodge-EM 50- from Stripes. One helluva Recreational Vehicle!!

  2. AndrewM

    Dodge Grand Sara-van

    The Sara-veillance van

    Liberte Voyer II

  3. Neil Parker

    Some name ideas: Gypsy Machine Central, The General Gypsy, General Mayhem,

  4. Brian Saunders

    I think you should call it the Hum-G (girl, guns, guts).

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