Beretta Tomcat Review

Beretta Tomcat 3032 Inox
July 27, 2023  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

If you haven’t heard of Harry’s Holsters, you’re missing out. Check out this Beretta Tomcat 3032 Covert review from their very own Harrison Jones!

Beretta Tomcat Review

Written by Harrison Jones, Harry’s Holsters

In this Beretta Tomcat review, we’re covering the 3032 Covert.  The 3032 Tomcat is a unique Beretta firearm with its most notable feature being the ability to tip up the barrel and place a round in the chamber or unload the pistol without having to rack the slide.

This has set it apart from most of its .32 ACP competitors, though it’s a simple blow-back design chambered in .32 ACP (also known as 7.62 Browning).

This covert version sets itself apart with its threaded barrel, which was designed to accept a suppressor. You could also add a compensator of some sort, but this gun is really designed to work suppressed.


The role of the Beretta Tomcat for many might be concealed carry.

It has often been recommended for older, weaker people with arthritis due to the tip-up barrel feature, but I do think this feature is somewhat dubious for those individuals.

While it’s fairly easy to tip up the barrel to load or unload the gun, the double-action trigger on this gun is anything but light. Somebody who has trouble racking the slide on this firearm will also have trouble pulling the trigger.

Due to this, I don’t think it’s a great option for people with weaker hands.

It could definitely be carried in the pocket, although it’s very fat.

With modern .380s being very small and fairly controllable and guns like the Glock 42 being similar in profile yet slimmer and more shootable, I don’t see this gun as a good option for concealed carrier self-defense.

32 ACP

I am a big fan of the .32 ACP as I feel it has a lot of advantages over the 380 for self-defense, but unfortunately, the format of this gun isn’t suitable for self-defense.

When you compare it to other options on the market, can it be used for self-defense? Yes.

Is it an ideal gun for self-defense? No.

This gun is just cool, and that’s the role it fills in my collection. With its threaded barrel, I can easily add a suppressor to it like I said before, and this makes the gun a heck of a lot of fun to shoot.

This is a gun that makes you think of Mossad assassinations and great battles throughout history. While it may not be the specific gun that was used, it makes a great placeholder and is a lot of fun to shoot on the range.

If you’re looking for a gun that’s a lot of fun to shoot, keep reading. If you’re looking for me to tell you that this is the best gun for self-defense ever made, you should find another Beretta Tomcat review.

Features Beretta Tomcat Review

The Beretta Tomcat has a seven-round magazine. You can also buy ProMag extended magazines, although this is not something I would suggest because their reliability has been reported to be inconsistent.

The most notable feature, as we mentioned earlier, is the threaded barrel that allows you to mount a suppressor to the gun.

This barrel, although it lifts up and down, is a fixed-barrel design. Because the barrel doesn’t move when firing, the gun is exceptionally accurate from a mechanical standpoint.

It also makes for a great suppressor host as the suppressor is unlikely to affect reliability.


The magwell on the Beretta 3032 Tomcat is very small and not quickly reloadable on top of sitting well below your bottom pinky. This isn’t just a slow gun to load—it also has a unique magazine release, which we’ll go over later in the review.


The grip of the Beretta Tomcat is definitely what I would call fat. It’s very wide, especially for a single-stack .32 ACP gun. This makes it very comfortable in the hand but also extremely hard to conceal if you were to use this as a concealed carry weapon. It feels almost as wide as a Glock 26.

The frame of the gun itself is aluminum with two grip panels that sit on the sides of the gun and offer no adjustment, like a lot of modern polymer frames.

There are no removable backstraps or anything like that, but the back and front straps on this gun have vertical lines that help the gun from moving around in your hand. They’re not the most effective serrations, but they do work pretty well to hold the gun in place.

The grips of my Tomcat Covert are textured on the bottom with traditional checkering that fits right where the tips of your fingers fit, so it is somewhat effective.

This gun isn’t really going to slip in your hands, and I think that’s just due to the overall ergonomics. The texturing definitely helps, but this gun isn’t what I’d call slick.

The finish on the frame of the gun and grips are both fairly matte, which really allows you to hold the gun in place unless your hands are sweaty or very slick. Even then, the vertical lines and checkering are going to do a good job of keeping the gun from moving around in the hand.

Beretta Tomcat Holster for Sale

tactical Lookin’ for an Beretta Tomcat Holster for sale? Here ya go!

Where to Find Your Beretta Tomcat Holster

Beretta Tomcat Review General Feel

Overall, I would call the general feel of this gun “fat.” It’s just a chubby little gun that’s very short and feels very wide in the hands. It’s really the only way I can describe it.


Sights can often make or break a gun and the Tomcat Covert is no exception.

The front sight of the Beretta 3032 Tomcat Covert is milled into the barrel and is very low-profile. The rear sight, on the other hand, is actually dovetailed in, but it also has a very tiny notch.


These sights are almost impossible to see in anything but full daylight. If you’re using them with a suppressor mounted on the gun, they mostly blend into the rear of your suppressor. Because they are not easy to see, it makes it extremely difficult to shoot this gun accurately.

In theory, you could replace the rear sight. The rear is much better than the front and the front sight has no option for replacement.

Unless you spend a bunch of money with a gunsmith custom-building sights for this gun, you’re stuck with what comes on it.

Red-Dot Options

At this time, there are no red-dot options for this gun and I doubt there ever will be.

It’s a gun that was designed before red-dots were popular on handguns and its back portion is very short, so I doubt there’s space to add a red-dot to the gun even if you wanted to.

On top of that, the extra weight of the red-dot might affect reliability given its blow-back nature.

I guess you could figure out a way to mount a red-dot to the barrel of the gun that would work reliably, but the issue is that it would be very hard to mount. You’d have to find someplace to screw into the barrel, which is relatively narrow in and of itself.


The controls of the Beretta 3032 are a little bit different from most other guns out there. Most of that difference is going to be in the magazine release, which we will get to later in the review.

Safety Beretta Tomcat Review

There is a thumb safety mounted on the left side of the pistol, so it’s ideal for a right-handed shooter. It’s ergonomically placed and you can easily ride your thumb on top of the safety while shooting.


I will mention, though, that you are definitely going to have the slide hit your thumb when firing if you ride the safety mid-shoot.

You could also put your thumb below the safety and you’re not likely to inadvertently press the safety back on while firing.

It’s a fairly stiff design, but not so stiff that you’re going to have trouble getting it on and off. While an ambi-safety would be a better solution (especially if you’re left-handed), this safety does work.

The trigger itself is double-action/single-action and you can use the safety in both modes.

However, if you plan to use this in double-action mode with the safety, this hammer is not easy to de-cock. There is no de-cocker on the gun, so you have to manually de-cock the hammer.

Said hammer is so small that it’s hard to get enough of your hand on the hammer to ensure that it doesn’t drop and inadvertently set off the round in the chamber.

If you plan to carry this gun in double-action mode with the safety down, I suggest tipping up the barrel and taking a round out before you set up the hammer for single-action only.

This is just a safer way to make sure that you don’t have a negligent discharge with this firearm.

Magazine Release

This gun has one of the most unique magazine releases I’ve ever seen.


It’s located on the left side of the gun at the back bottom side of the grip. The release works perfectly when you use your thumb to disengage the magazine release.

You’ll then use your left hand to strip the magazine free, though the magazine itself does not drop free.

Slide Stop

This gun has no last-round slide hold-open or slide release. There’s nothing of this sort on the gun. It’s just a blow-back design with no way to manually lock the slide back.

Overall Ergonomics Beretta Tomcat Review

Overall, the ergonomics of this gun feel quite good in the hand.

My biggest complaint is just going to be the width. The width actually gives it a very good grip surface for most people but a lot of problems if you plan to conceal this gun.


As we stated earlier in this Beretta Tomcat Covert review, the trigger is a double-action/single-action trigger. We’re going to go over the trigger in both modes.




In double-action, the trigger has a very gritty and spongy take-up before you kind of hit a slight wall. From that wall, you feel a little bit more resistance as you get to a gritty break. When that break happens, the hammer falls forward, igniting the firing primer.

Now, from the single-action reset, the reset itself is fairly short and resets around a tenth of an inch in front of your trigger break.

From there, you’re going to feel a slight spongy take-up and then just a slightly gritty break.

When using the gun in single-action only having disengaged the safety, you’re going to see the trigger is much further back than when it’s in double-action. From there, you’re going to feel that slight bit of take-up and then that gritty break before it falls.


Neither of these trigger pulls are light, although the single-action trigger pull isn’t that heavy. If you’re expecting a smooth trigger like a Beretta 92 LTT, you’re going to be disappointed by this gun. The trigger is workable, but it’s not what I would call smooth.


There really aren’t a lot of aftermarket options for this gun. As we said earlier, this gun isn’t set up for self-defense.

This is going to be a gun that most people just take to the range and have fun with. You can get aftermarket grips and magazines, but there aren’t a lot of other options.


Maintaining the Beretta 3032 Tomcat is a little bit odd.

Taking my slide off isn’t what I’d call easy, although it isn’t hard. It can require a little more fiddling to get the slide on and off properly than I would like.

To take the gun down, you’ll want to take the magazine out and then pull back the slide, ensuring the gun is unloaded as usual.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll have to pull the slide back slightly and then press the barrel release lever on the side to tip the barrel up.

With the barrel up, let the slide ride forward slowly and then tip the barrel all the way forward. Once the barrel is all the way forward, you can lift the slide off the gun.

From there, it’s fairly easy to clean.

Sometimes it’s easy to get this gun on; other times, it is not. To reassemble the gun, you just have to pop the slide back in place and then rotate the barrel down. From there, you can cycle the slide ensuring it’s unloaded and then drop your hammer manually.

It really is an easy take-down unless you screw things up just slightly.

If that happens, you might have to get a rubber mallet or gunsmithing hammer to get the slide off the gun. (Don’t ask me how I know that.)


Aesthetically, this is a great-looking gun in my opinion.

Is it as sexy and sleek as something like 1911? No, but is it a classic-looking firearm? Absolutely.

I’d really like to get a custom-built .32 ACP can for this gun, but for now, my 9mm suppressors will have to suffice.

The matte black finish and the wooden grips really make this firearm. You can also get it in FTE, which might be some people’s piece of cake, but not mine. I definitely prefer it in this older classic configuration.

Shooting Beretta Tomcat Review

Shooting this gun is going to be a lot more fun suppressed. It is easy to do since the muzzle threads on the front are set up for a 1/2×28. That is pretty much your standard 9mm suppressor.

Loading the gun is not quite as easy as you would expect. If you load seven rounds in the magazine and then decide to just pull back the slide and let it go forward, expect a lot of resistance.

The serrations on the slide are fairly short and sit really close to your firing hand. So it’s really hard to get your finger and thumb down in there to grab those serrations and get the slide back.

There just isn’t a lot of real estate to grab the slide. It would be easier to just tip up the barrel and place one round of .32 ACP in the barrel.

Shooting this gun, I was somewhat disappointed.

While I was shooting it, my buddy was telling me that I was having more fault with this gun than I was with my Staccato P or Langdon LTT. I couldn’t disagree.

This gun is a lot of fun, but it’s not an easy gun to shoot.

There’s not much recoil.

It’s what I would call ‘pleasant’ to shoot as long as your hands aren’t too big.

If you have massive hands, you are likely going to get slide-bite. It didn’t hurt for me, but it might hurt others.

I am what I would consider a fairly good handgun shooter.

I can regularly hit silhouette-sized steel at 100 yards with a CP 365 with iron sights.

Sight Hurts It

That being said, I had trouble shooting this gun at 10 yards on a similar-sized target and hitting it. The trigger is not easy to work, but I think the hardest thing to deal with is the iron sights.

I shot this gun with most of the rounds suppressed and the sights hiding behind the suppressor just aren’t easy to see.

The suppressor I was using was not black, so it would be easier to make out the sights than it would with most black suppressors.

Regardless, I still couldn’t see them well.

Fun Factor

Despite this gun being exceptionally hard to get on steel, it is a blast to shoot.

There’s something about shooting a suppressed .32 ACP that makes you feel like James Bond. I’m sure if this gun had slightly better sights that it would be much easier to shoot.

When I tried really hard and took my time concentrating to keep the sights in line and see where they were, I was able to print semi-acceptable groups. Considering the size and difficulty of this gun to shoot I was happy.

That being said, it takes a lot of thought and concentration. If I were to use this in a self-defense situation, I wouldn’t want to be any further than three yards from my attacker.

I don’t think self-defense is where the 3032 Tomcat shines in our Beretta Tomcat Review.

If you’re looking for a gun that’s really fun to shoot on the range and is just a cool gun to show your friends, then you’re going to have a hard time beating the Beretta 2032 Tomcat Covert.

If you’re looking at a gun that you want to use for self-defense, then this is not something I would suggest.

I’m really glad I added this to my collection, but I don’t think this gun is for everybody.

I love ‘70s-themed guns, and this is one of them. Even though it’s a more modern take, it just has an old classic feel.

It is fun to shoot with, even if I can’t hit anything.

Find the original article here.

Beretta Tomcat  for Sale

tactical Lookin’ for an Beretta Tomcat for sale? Here ya go!

Where to Find Your Beretta Tomcat


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Reported on today by the News Desk. Our goal is to inform, educate, edify, and enlighten. Warrior-scholar or everyman, we believe everyone should think and be dangerous.


  1. Chuck

    This gun was a hot item back in the 80s before all the mini 9s hit the market. Now, of course, the mini 9s have mostly replaced it as a carry weapon. .32 acp is kind of expensive to shoot when one considers that bulk purchase 9mm is much cheaper than boxed .32 acp.

  2. jaytoo

    Sorry guys. This weapon was made for one thing. Double tap to the back of
    bad guys head. Short range w/supressor. Come on.

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