Attention Pipehitters!

October 27, 2017  
Categories: Musings
MadDuoCo's Original Pipehitter Tee

MadDuoCO – home to original pipehitters. Click the image to support us and buy a tee.

Attention Original Pipehitters!

News Desk

Chesty Puller did it. So did George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, and Percy Fawcett. Let’s not forget Nat “King” Cole, Einstein, Mark Twain, Ronald Reagan, or Walt Disney either.

They smoked a pipe.

They were all original pipehitters.

So as an homage to them, and to some of our own fathers and grandfathers, we’re releasing the new Original Pipehitter tee.

Why should you smoke a pipe? Why should you wear our new Original Pipehitter shirt?

Well, that’s easy. You’re not just gonna look distinguished and badass. You’ll live longer than the girly-men who prefer cigarettes and e-cigs too. Plus, girls we’ll find your gravitas and inestimably compelling.

This is the look of a lady imagining her man smoking a pipe.

Just look at these dashing fellows — all of whom contribute to the hallowed pages of this erudite publication.

Original photo by Firelance Media.

Original photo by Q Concepts.

Remember the Surgeon General’s report from 1964, the one that first really got people taking a hard look at cigarettes? Prob’ly not. Anyway. It said cigarettes were bad — but pipes, not so much.

“…cigar smoke has 4 times as much benz(a)pyrene as cigarette smoke, and pipe smoke ten times as much as cigarette smoke (p. 58). Yet, the Committee found pipe and cigar smoke to be pretty much innocent of causing lung cancer, and even concluded that pipe smokers live longer than non-smokers.”

That’s right. Smoke a pipe, you live longer.

That might be bullshit, in fact it probably is, but we don’t particularly care. We like pipesmoking.

Thinkin’ about taking up the pipe? Here’s where you can start. Or, here maybe.

In the meantime – buy one of our Original Pipehitter shirts. You’ll be happy you did, you’ll look far more manly and distinguished than you did just five minutes before you put it on, and you’ll look way less ambiguously “Millenial” than you do sucking on that robot dick e-cig.

Find MadDuoCo on Instagram, @madduoco, or check ’em out on Facebook, /MadDuoCo/.

Read everything we have about Pipe Hitting here in this line-up.

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Mad Duo, Breach-Bang& CLEAR!

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Mad Duo

Mad Duo

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