Some truth about the militarization of police

militarization of police pros and cons
September 12, 2014  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings

BLUF – we think a helluva lot of what the ‘militarization of the police’ doomsayers and critics is just errant fuckery. This does not mean the DoD’s 1033 program is organized or administered properly (or even well) and it certainly doesn’t mean there aren’t some things that could stand a hard eye. For instance, should departments be transparent (barring cases of officer survival, undercover, etc.)? Of course. Much of what is currently seen as police militarization, however, is based on misunderstanding, misperception and a lot of misrepresentation by the press. But if you’re one of those who think that LEOs wearing cammies and riding in an armored vehicle is a new thing, or that it heralds the impending subjugation of Free America by jackbooted police thugs, well…how about you take the aluminum foil off your head, come back to the real world and we’ll have us an intelligent and amicable palaver.

NYPD Machine Gun Squad

A motorcycle of the NYPD’s “machine gun squad” from about a century ago.

Maybe if we focus on real LE issues that genuinely need attention we can quit wasting energy and fickle public/political attention on those that don’t.

Grunts: palaver

We’re gonna start this discussion with excerpting some material from our friend Ross Elder’s blog. The author brings up a great point about the recent resurgence in the such discussions, to wit:

I do not find it a coincidence that this is occurring at the same time as unprecedented “displeasure” with the federal government. As I have taught officers from all over the globe, as a police officer you are generally the number one most visible and accessible representative of government. This is true of a brand new patrolman walking a beat in Mayberry NC. To some, he is the embodiment of Washington DC, despite the fact he has nothing to do with it and does not take orders from Washington.

He addresses the whole MRAP issue as well, because, you know, possession of an MRAP gives your average police department firepower roughly equivalent to an armored battalion.

An MRAP is a big bullet-proof box on wheels. It has no gun mounted on it, therefore it is not a “tank”. It allows officers to approach danger safely and to evacuate people safely. If you have never been shot at, you may not get it, but most of you will. This is usually the point where (and I have had this asked of me) I must state that it does not exist to transport you to some fictional FEMA camp. Seriously, do you really think that some tyrannical government is going to entrust me to enslave my fellow citizens, the ones I swore to protect and serve? Stop reading InfoWars…! I was involved in the acquisition of an MRAP for my old agency and, before that, an M113 Armored Personnel Carrier. The reason? We found that we could not reach the most distant school in our jurisdiction fast enough if an active shooting occurred with a ‘113, therefore we got an MRAP. Nothing to do with the United Nations, Martians, or FEMA.

Police Armored Vehicle Breach Bang Clear

This M1A2SEP police Abrams Main Battle Tank, seen here with militarized police chobham armor and TUSK kit, was recently captured on undercover video by a media outlet that needed a picture to go along with their hyperbole.

Joint Task Force Awesome Member 5.11 Tactical

Joint Task Force Awesome

We won’t even try to justify the vast number of LE units that have, as some reporters have described it, so many ‘attack helicopters’. You may have seen this report already and may thus already be aware the average Sheriff’s Office can call more CAS support than the 75th Ranger Regiment. Shocking, that, and unforgivable.

(Note: in case you missed it, that was sarcasm.)


Recent events in Ferguson, MO have called attention to the militarization of law enforcement agencies. Recently national news reporters spotted this Rooivalk CSH-2 assault helicopter with police markings, possibly obtained through the 1033 program, over the skies of Tulsa.

Now, our minions have various opinions on the matter writ large, but one thing pretty much all of us are agreed on is this – while there are problems with modern policing, and an occasional tendency to want to be “too operator” in some departments and in some officers, the idea that the cops are out to get you, or that they’re “over equipped” is ludicrous. Fact is, most of us think ‘lack of training’ is a far more egregious problem with many LEOs than is the possession of militarized equipment (and that’s coming from some of the LEOs among our staff). We’re interested in hearing your opinion, agree or disagree, as long as we can maintain an academic discussion. If you’re going to just start bashing LEOs, or if you cannot differentiate between an old Peacekeeper, a Bearcat, an M113, an MRAP and a Stridsvagn 103C, then don’t bother chipping your teeth.

Start first with reading this article on The Elder Statesman. We’ll run some more articles on this topic in the days to come.

Mad Duo Over

Mad Duo

Mad Duo

About the Author

The Mad Duo are the most renowned, scholarly, door-kickingest action figures since...well, ever. They, their wretched minions and other abject flunkies are an improbable (and awesome) tale unto themselves. Read more about them here.


  1. sonoffar

    “if you cannot differentiate between an old Peacekeeper, a Bearcat, an M113, an MRAP and a Stridsvagn 103C, then don’t bother chipping your teeth.”

    Well that’s pretty close to a description of me. Now as I was never one to follow the commands of strangers and I’m too damned old to change my ways, I will chime in anyway. If my bona fides aren’t up to your standards just don’t read my post.

    After reading several articles on this blog I am amazed that the similarities of the murder of civilians by military units and the perception of local police role playing as para-military goon squads is so similar. The perspective is just from opposing view points.

    Military units gone ape shit is viewed as a break down in unit cohesion and sloppy leadership, while the preception of para-military police goon squads is viewed as some sort of assault on the sacred cow of the thin red line between Citizen and a world of El Salvadoran serial killers. It’s neither of those things and both of them. The trick is to try to see the point from the other guys vantage point.


    When I was a smart assed kid of 13 I had the local cop slap the snot out of me for being out after curfew. I resented that smack down but I also made sure I was home or on the way when 10PM rolled around. That cop probably saved me from a lot of trouble and grief. That cop, his name was “Bobt The Cop”, rode around some very tough streets on an old Harley 3 wheeler. He had no protective gear except his night stick and a vintage .38 S&W revolver. He knew everyone, including me, on his beat, and generally he was never alone. We all watched for him and out for him. He was “our” cop and no matter what the circumstances of our association with him, he was generally loved and respected by our neighborhood. He was in retrospect the ideal Protect & Serve Police Officer . To my knowledge he retired and I hope, passed on with a fishing pole in one hand and a cold one in the other.

    When I was a much older and wiser adult of 66 I was pulled over by a patrol car for exceeding the speed limit by almost 15 mph. I pulled over, shut off the engine of my truck, slowly placed both of my hands on the top of the steering wheel and watched in the rear view mirror as two officers approached my truck from the rear. This is a rural area with lots of space on both sides of a two lane highway.

    Officer #1 approached slowly, right hand on his pistol, up the drivers side of my truck as officer #2 walked toward the passenger side and out and away 10 yards, his pistol was drawn and in his right hand, pointed at the ground or his right leg, depending on his step.

    The rest of the story was uneventful from my perspective. I wasn’t shot by the fool on my left and the officer on my right didn’t die from the terror of having to contend with an old man who drives too fast.

    The opposing views is found in the examples. “Bob The Cop” served his community. He knew when to push and when to pull. Officers #1 and #2 were primed for the fight of their lives and had there been one they very possibly would have shot each other. Training, love of the community and the job, and confidence in yourself go a long way in projecting yourself as a Citizen and Community Servant or as Para-military Police Goon Squad tough guy.

    Others have mentioned more or less, that if you are fearful in your job, you probably won’t be very good at it. Lack of training, lack of dedication, lack of confidence are the ingredients I find sadly lacking in some, in many, but fortunately not in all police officers of our modern communities.

    Sorry about the long post but you know how it is with us old dogs.

    • John

      I agree with a lot of what you say but unfortunately, the days of Andy Griffith and Barney Fife strolling around Mayberry protecting and Serving are too far gone. In those days, the average Joe living on the street corner in a suburban home did not have body armor, fully automatic machine guns, Large caliber or Long range rifles. My uncle was a lot like your Bob in ways that he properly used his discretion and knew when to throw the punch or hold it. If you look at the statistics though, you may find that when people started to arm themselves.. especially with large weapons and military style gear, far too many patrol officers were killed trying to do “the right thing” Your traffic stop about the two officers is totally justifiable in your thoughts that they severely escalated the situation and caused more harm than good. I only ask that you understand that things today are truly complex and sometimes are far from being able to be defined. There is one thing that i do not understand though. Why is it wrong to feel afraid or fearful? Why can’t I be scared when i go into the unknown? I am an 8 year Veteran of the Army who deployed three times to Afghanistan as an EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) Technician and now am an LEO in rural Northern Maine. There was not a day that went by when I was deployed that I wasn’t scared, that I wasn’t in fear of losing those who are close to me or losing my own life. I actually found it to beneficial because it truly made me think of others and to make the appropriate steps in my job. It stopped me from being reckless and putting others in jeopardy of being injured or killed. I am honestly more worried about those who are not scared because those are the ones who don’t feel emotion.. who make snap judgements with disregard to others and those who have no control of their discretion and are constantly escalating rather than deescalating situations. having emotions doesn’t make a cop a bad one.. it makes then a good one and it makes us human. I am very sorry about your traffic stop and how they made you feel but basing your argument with a small sample like these two hooligans is not fair for the rest of the Law Enforcement Community who would place their own lives before yours.

  2. jfreddick

    Those who bemoan the “militarization” of our local, county and state police are the same progressive idiots who objected to body armor for officers back in the 70’s.

  3. Frank

    For starters, I think the over-use of SWAT raids is an issue.

    Others have mentioned Boston after the bombing. For the sake of two felons on the loose, they basically imposed martial law on the city and conducted warrantless house-to-house searches. There are *always* felons on the loose in any major city in the US…so who gets to decide when we do this again? Having observed how Israel conducted a manhunt for a terror cell known to be moving in an urban area such as Tel Aviv at a time when there was a bus bombing almost every week, it did not look anything like Boston during the manhunt, and the public’s movement was not restricted other than some checkpoints on major roads to check cars passing through.

    As for gear, I have absolutely no issue with providing officers with as much protection as possible, but *perception* is important. When vets point out that they conducted raids overseas in hostile territory with less kit than many SWAT units are being issued, the question is raised as to whether that creates a good or a bad perception among the population.

    Also, remember that many of these complaints about militarization are based upon emotional reactions. Many SWAT units are outfitted in patterned BDUs. Is there a compelling *need* for this? The public associate the color blue with law enforcement. It’s a dark color. Navy is low-viz at night anyway (and there’s always the new 5.11 grey stuff). Cammo patterns are associated by the public with the military. Is the operational gain of outfitting officers in patterned BDUs so significant that it is worth the price of how this is perceived? Do I think the color of clothing makes a difference? No, I don’t…but I think to many in the public who form emotional opinions will think so. (Well…it might actually support a few individual officers’ perceptions of themselves in an operator-everything mindset as opposed to law enforcement). The public want to be able to easily see the difference between an officer and a soldier.

    • Frank

      Oh…and yes…TRAINING!!!!!!!! I couldn’t agree more with that.

  4. ConstitutionalCarry

    I’m sure my view is a tiny fraction of a percentage here, but I have no issue with the police being as armed as they want, so long as “we the people” can be so armed as well. The Constitution guarantees me the right of self defense, it does not guarantee me protection by law enforcement (this has been a federal court ruling, not my own opinion). The “militarization” of police is not something new by any means, it began with the prohibition, and worsened with the passing of the NFA.

    Safety, security, these are delicate issues, and not as black and white as we may like. Is there a legitimate need for the police (still people, just like everyone else) to have tools at their disposal to do their job; absolutely! Should LEOs expect to be blindly trusted; Absolutely Not!

    People are people, uniform or not, oath or not. A uniform is no guarantor of trust.

  5. JRT6

    The US Forest Service has been using old Cobra gunships for years so all you paranoids need to bit the pillow and be afraid. Very afraid.

  6. Miguel Slowski

    I’m still puzzled at how you can militarize a para military organization?

    I’ve been on a department w 800+ officers for 24 years and we have had a 50 person swat team for longer then I’ve been there.

    In the 90s the team had years where they did upwards of 700+ high risk warrants a year. Today they average under 300 a year with a threat matrix that is followed and the team is only used when there are bonafide and confirmed bad people that need to be brought to justice.

    How is it again that swat use is out of control and growing? Oh yeah, camo, armor and the ACLU!

    Ah we wear regular street uniforms w body armor or O/D green and if you haven’t noticed the police have been using PPE equipment for decades, nothing new there really.

  7. BPCoop19

    My take on police militarization is that its BS to criticize cops for getting kitted up in plate carriers and ARs because they look intimidating, when so many of us call someone a liberal pussy for saying regular folks shouldn’t have plate carriers and ARs because they’re intimidating; we shouldn’t base our opinions on an emotional response. As others have touched on, mindset is key. Having proper training is key. Using the right tools for the job is key. Yes, the villains of the world today are more sophisticated and better armed. But how often have our police engaged in a gun fight with someone armed with an “assault rifle”? Or an RPG, grenades or IEDs? Whatever that number is, compare it to how often they get kitted up for general warrant service, or 30 minutes after an active shooter blew his brain out? I want a well equipped police force. I want a well trained police force. What I don’t want, is a police force that acts like they’re operating in Fallujah….I don’t think they do, as some seem to hyperbolize, but I think we might be on the edge of a slippery slope that could probably be corrected with a little more discretion from law enforcement.

    • Ravn72


  8. Dustin

    Flashbanging grandmas house and coming in full force isnt always the best approach. I lost count of the number of raids I did in iraq. Often times using less force than what police are using now days. I agree police need swat teams im all for it but theres a time and place. In my opinion there being utilized far too often.

    • Ravn72

      Yes indeed

  9. MikeTex

    It’s true about the lack of training. Some cops will seek out training on their own but most cops get very little training from their departments and when budgets get cut, training is first on the chopping block. As long as it’s cheaper to bury us, the importance of training gets overlooked.

  10. Redleg

    Spend some time looking over these posts and articles about SWAT raids and make sure to read the comments:

    More military, veterans, gun owners and patriots than you seem to realize are disgusted with the out of control

    and abusive SWAT raids that are used for absolutely everything. If your only talking to cops you are definitely not reading the tea leaves correctly nor conducting a proper IPB.

  11. Mike brogan

    Your wrong, if you want to be a solider/ door kicker/ operator there is a place to do this. It’s called the military. Your a PUBLIC SERVANT not SEAL TEAM 6! More Andy Mayberry less War movies!

    • Bill

      A public servant isn’t a slave! High risk warrants are for high risk violent crimes and criminals. The public doesn’t have a right to put a Police Officer in danger because he might hurt there feelings while using proper tactics. Or maybe your right and who cares how may cops are killed as long as you aren’t offended !

      • Ravn72

        If your afraid of the water don’t go for a swim. Stop shooting un armed civilians because of frightening thoughts in ur scared mind.i can’t even count the time I’ve been stopped for a traffic violation by three or four squad cars. Even dough my record shows no reason for the over used of public tax dollars.The word hero is used so many times to describe selfish egotistical maniacs. Whom take no pride in there work. Not to take credit from the few exceptions of men and women who are humble enough to take selfless actions every day with no fear in their heart yet they don’t consider them self heroic For doing their job protect and serve! By the way look at how many unarmed civilians have been killed as opposed to cops in the last ten years if anything cops don’t get killed enough I would say balance tilts the wrong way for someone who’s job claims to be so unsafe. More shipyard workers die a year and we don’t consider them hero’s now do we? High risk grow some balls officers when is your time it your time that’s life I would be a shamed to call my self a police officer these days

        • Jay Neubauer

          Ravn72, are you for real!? Just because someone is “unarmed” does not make them not dangerous. And your concept of “if anything cops don’t get killed enough”, wow……just wow. That is not an attitude I expected from a rational person. Wishing more of ANY profession to die is deplorable! Also, your comment regarding the dangers of shipyards – no one has claimed that law enforcement is the MOST dangerous job, but I will tell you this – how often in your line of work do you face an unknown person (to you anyway) knowing this could be the moment when your life could end? I have no idea what you do for a living, but this is the risk EVERY LEO faces at EVERY traffic stop, EVERY call, EVERY time they stop at the local quick stop for a quick bite and bottle of water, EVERY time we face someone. The statement you made about “men and women who are humble enough to take selfless actions every day with not fear in their heart…”, let me tell you this, we have PLENTY of fear. We put it aside to do our job. I am not expecting you to understand, but such statements show an ignorance that I find hard to ignore. As far as you being ashamed to call yourself a police officer, then I am guessing it is a good thing you are not. I hope you are the paragon of professionalism in your chosen field. I made every effort to be one when I was on patrol.

        • Miguel Slowski

          Dude, seriously?

      • Frank

        Bill, the problem is that the no-knock warrants are being issued far more than ever, and quite often for situations that don’t pass muster as being high-risk.

        If there is a reasonable belief that the person will respond to a knock at the door with violence, then I absolutely support the idea of not putting officers at risk. However, if the home of a person with no history of violence needs to be searched, I do not agree that a no-knock warrant should be executed.

  12. Tom Blanchard

    Your picture from early 1900s NYC is invalid, as 1 NYC cops were (are still, but had less oversight then) extremely corrupt and brutal, and 2, this is prior to NFA 1934 when children could mail order a machine gun from a Sears catalog.

  13. S. Whipple

    Rod, facts man, tell me something I can sink my teeth into. Your argument is lame at best. Please, come back with facts that support your statements. It just seems like maybe you got arrested or a family member did and you now don’t like cops.

    • Rod McNeely

      It’s not an argument, it’s my opinion. Facts? read for christs sakes, that’s half the problem people want shit spoon fed to them, do some research I did, that’s how I formulated my opinion. I served so people like you and I could freely voice our opinions. It wasn’t meant for you to “sink your teeth into” It’s my public opinion that you’re more than free to agree/disagree or ignore.

  14. TommyB

    Good write up! The equipment mentioned is just one of many tools in the tool box. Nothing more. Anyway, MRAPS suck out loud in a tight urban environment. My single biggest concern vis a vis law enforcement interaction with the public is the (sometimes) rapid escalation of a conflict coupled with a very visible MINORITY of cops that get off on adverse situations. I truely do not know if it’s always been the case or we’re just seeing more of it, but everybody has a video camera now. Here’s a simple rule to live by…don’t do anything that your wife/mom/pastor/etc would be embarrassed by. If you see a fellow cop doing something that violates ones civil rights, run it up the chain of command! If you saw it happen,you and I both know it’s probably happened before, but without witnesses. My dad was a cop 20+ years ago. He told me of the shit they got away with and it was amazing someone wasn’t killed. I actually think law enforcement is much more professional today than just a few years ago. We just have further to go. A good cop is part marriage counselor, part mediator, a good listener, and a protector of those who can’t protect themselves. I’m not a revenue generator, nor am I a thug that uses force or authority to get what I want. I treat everyone I encounter like a human being (even if there is good reason to question their status as such) and have fewer instances where situations go sideways.


    Ex U.S. Army

    20+years as a public servant

    • Millertime

      I agree wholeheartedly. I wish every public servant had your mindset.

    • Ravn72

      Well said sir

    • CombatMissionary

      While I still think that the article is right, that is, military gear is often well-suited to a law enforcement role, and I also think that most departments are using SWAT-style raids more often as a result of more dangerous threats (MS-13, etc.), a LOT of departments need a lot more training in community policing, that is, building relationships in the local community that makes police A) approachable so crime can be reported effectively, and B) familiar with the community so that investigations can be faster, more proactive and as non-intrusive to law-abiding citizens as possible.

  15. msmartt

    @JBgleason – QuikClot was developed/invented by a private company; ZMedica and was adopted by the military after testing by the Navy proved its effectiveness. Its a good thing and I am glad LE has it available to them but your facts are not entirely correct.

    • jbgleason

      @msmartt – Any idea where the funding for the development program and a lot of the ideas came from? I know and the location is just outside Fayetteville, NC and in Bethesda, MD. My facts are correct but that doesn’t matter. The more you know… From an old article on the subject. “QuikClot is the flagship product of Z-Medica Corp. in Wallingford, Conn., which worked closely with the Office of Naval Research to develop and package the product, and which will have received roughly $150,000 in Navy research and development grants by the end of the year…” It’s almost as if I was involved in the program back then… Hmmm…

  16. jimnden

    I loved the article, even caught up with the sarcasm. We recently had two officers shot – both applied tourniquets to stop heavy bleeding. Okay, we didn’t crank up our MRAP. All that was used was training sponsored by…. Maybe if I whispered it no one would notice. But, seeing as how I’m just an over-authoritarian geek with control issues what do I know.

    • Ravn72

      Deal with it you took the job. What u expect a lifetime of nothing ever happening. And with that said sell your unnecessary military equipment and buy some well trained instructor. Live rightfully serve and protect. So your family members could have something to be proud of. May you have a full life and if you die serving your life purpose may you have and intact memory of your life to be remembered for ages. Be safe not scared friend

  17. Caleb Farrier

    I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a thousand posts on FB asking, “When did this (shows picture of Norman Rockwell-esque picture of a police officer sipping coffee and smiling) become this (shows picture of the afore mentioned police M1A2 main battle tank)?” While officer Wilson’s guilt or innocence remains to be seen, the absolute fact is that if Barney Fife had shown up in Ferguson with one bullet in his pocket the result would have been significantly different. Violent crime being at historic levels has forced the hand of the local LEO. New threats require new tactics to defend against them. Even Andy Taylor couldn’t have talked down those rioting hooligans. Well written article, agree 100%.


    father, Marine vet, EOD tech.

    • Redleg

      Well in contrast to the Norman Rockwell painting there is the opposite picture today of the black clad ninja-wannabe with black ski mask and I happen to agree with Col. Jeff Cooper on the subject when he said:

      “I have been criticized by referring to our federal masked men as “ninja”… Let us reflect upon the fact that a man who covers his face shows

      reason to be ashamed of what he is doing. A man who takes it upon

      himself to shed blood while concealing his identity is a revolting

      perversion of the warrior ethic. It has long been my conviction that a

      masked man with a gun is a target. I see no reason to change that view.”

    • Caleb Farrier

      I think we’ve evolved past the town drunk being our greatest threat. Accountability is key here. When Otis is the biggest problem in your town then shame on you for owning an MRAP. Unfortunately that’s not the case anymore

    • Matthew Sherrouse

      No Andy Taylor would have done something he very rarely did, strap on am iron, grab a shotgun, and enforce the law. Sheriff Taylor was what law enforcement was, i did a few years as an explorer, or junior deputy, and I was witness to the miracles of the principles of community policing. The Deputy that I often rode with, learned from formed bonds with the community leaders, and helped clean the neighborhood up with the help of code enforcement, and county ordinances. I find that agencies rely too heavily upon the sword and shield, and not the word of the land. Its just like tinted windows in a cop car, i hate it, the public should see you, and you should see them. Now I am under no delusion that the world has changed since my years as an explorer, and the day that the towers fell our lives were changed, and law enforcement has to change too, but i find it sad that the number of ways a deputy can subdue a person has increased and so has the toys in the car and on their belt.

  18. JBgleason

    I just got back from Urban Shield in Oakland where there was a sizable “anti Militarization of Police” protest. As I walked back to the hotel post-dinner and several adult beverages down I encountered a group of protesters. Since I don’t cruise about as a walking billboard for 5.11, they didn’t immediately recognize me as a US participant. So I engaged them in a few questions that went like this…

    Me- So you guys are protesting against the militarization of police?

    Hairy arm pitted Girl and nasty dreadlock hair Guy- Yeah. Their tanks and machine guns are what’s wrong with America!

    (Series of questions back and forth as I set them up for what I came there to do.)

    Me- Hmmm. So all military technology is bad because it makes the police more aggressive and that harms citizens?

    Protestors- Yep, now you are getting it.

    Me- OK. Gotcha. Hey, I checked out the trade show they had today (They clue to the fact that they should have been spitting on me all along.) and I saw this QuikClot stuff that the military designed and a bunch of military medical kits. The military helped invent all that stuff and has been using it for years. The military is the primary source of medical advancements if you didn’t know. Now police agencies are adopting it and have been using it to save citizens injured and bleeding out before EMS arrives. How is it again that is bad thing? Explain to me how police using military medicine hurts people.

    Protestors walk away. I express disappointment at them not even attempting to engage on this.

  19. Rod McNeely

    I can only speak on that which I’ve been exposed to, I agree that lack of training is the biggest culprit but if one stands back and looks at policing through the larger prism of time you’d see that the LEO profession like any other, where authority and power are held (clergy, politics, the military) people with control issues gravitate to these professions and are the root of some of the problems. I would rather see an MRAP piloted on the streets of my home town by sensient, psych evaled, trained professionals than any goof in a squad car that got picked on in high school and has a badge and an attitude.

    Rod McNeely

    Navy puke, Father, and inquisitive minion.

    • CuriousTownshipVoter

      “any goof in a squad car that got picked on in high school and has a badge and an attitude.”

      When this is your attitude about the majority of police, I don’t see how the conversation can go any further.

      Please support this with facts. Thanks.

      • Rod McNeely

        I apologize for your misunderstanding, I do not look at the majority of LEO’s this way, it was an “either or” situation which I thought I conveyed pretty clearly but for the record once again, that is not my opinion of the majority of LEO’s.


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