Don't Be Silent About Your Second Amendment Rights

November 4, 2016  
Categories: Assorted Ramblings


With election day well under a week away, Black Creek, GA based Daniel Defense shared an important message and we, in turn, want to pass it along.

Here’s the open letter from Daniel Defense founder and president, Marty Daniel:

Dear Second Amendment Supporters,

On November 8th, we all have some difficult decisions to make. The country is very much divided on which candidates best represent our values and beliefs…on which candidates will lead us into a bright and prosperous future or a dark and unpredictable one. But, unfortunately, instead of focusing on the issues, the narrative of this election has been primarily about character assassination or who’s leading who in the polls. So allow me a moment to break through the façade of this election and address one issue I believe is vital to ensuring a free and prosperous America: The Second Amendment. 

“Your silence or failure to vote could mean the difference between a future where you have the ability to purchase, own, and protect your family with Daniel Defense firearms, or one where you do not. You have the right, the privilege, and the duty to make your voice heard.”

The Second Amendment guarantees our right, as U.S. citizens, to keep and bear arms, yet it’s under a constant barrage of attacks. Many incumbents and challengers believe this important amendment is outdated and should be ripped from the Constitution, the very foundation of what makes this country a beacon of freedom to the entire world. But we cannot allow this to happen. We must make our voices heard and elect officials who have the moral fortitude to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.

In just a matter of days, you and I will be called upon to perform our civic duty by participating in the electoral process to decide our leadership. Regardless of whether or not you personally like or dislike the candidates seeking office, the only way your voice will matter is if you allow it to be heard. Your silence or failure to vote could mean the difference between a future where you have the ability to purchase, own, and protect your family with Daniel Defense firearms, or one where you do not. You have the right, the privilege, and the duty to make your voice heard.

Recently, Cindy and I had the honor and privilege of spending the day with a true American icon and patriot, Mr. Charlie Daniels. This remarkable man is a booming voice for patriotism, with a no-fear approach when speaking out in opposition to the tyranny of government and the hypocrisy of our elected officials. Charlie Daniels possesses a profound love of God and country, and he believes the Constitution is a living, relevant document that needs to be respected and defended. We were inspired by, and grateful for, our fellowship and conversation with Mr. Daniels. He’s a great example for us all, and I invite you to experience some of what we did with this educated, informed, and wise man by viewing a video of our time with him.

“I am doing everything within my control to ensure our rights as a free nation are not infringed. So, I ask you this before heading to the polls: If our fundamental right to keep and bear arms, as defined by the authors of the U.S. Constitution, were to disappear tomorrow, will you be able to say you did your part?”

Before casting your vote, I strongly encourage you to first educate yourself and research the candidates in order to make a more informed decision on the issues and potential elected officials that will have the greatest impact on your life. The National Shooting Sports Foundation’s (NSSF) is a great resource for identifying your candidates and contains links to their individual websites.

Now is not the time to be complacent. We cannot make excuses for not taking action. Protecting the Second Amendment and our very way of life are at stake. 

-Marty Daniel


Daniel Defense is a member of JTF Awesome. You can find them online here.

Mad Duo, Breach-Bang& CLEAR!

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Mad Duo

Mad Duo

About the Author

The Mad Duo are the most renowned, scholarly, door-kickingest action figures since...well, ever. They, their wretched minions and other abject flunkies are an improbable (and awesome) tale unto themselves. Read more about them here.


  1. Tony

    Also, I gotta say that a gun maker’s political arguments aren’t gonna do much to sway me either way. It’s pretty difficult to separate the business from the businessman.

    “Your silence or failure to vote could mean the difference between a future where you have the ability to purchase, own, and protect your family with Daniel Defense firearms, or one where you do not. You have the right, the privilege, and the duty to make your voice heard.”

    But what if I like Rock River?

    From a practical point of view, if Clinton gets elected, I expect Daniel Defenses sales to break new records. Because 8 years of “anti-gun” isn’t enough to convince anyone that they need a 5th AR, or a 3rd AK. Or 10K more rounds of ammo . Old Danny needs another Range Rover for his 3rd ranch.

  2. Tony

    When someone starts saying things like “It is a simple choice” that’s usually a sign that it’s anything but simple. If you believe your premise that “One candidate likes people, wants them to have jobs, make money and be happy. The other hates people and wants to punish us for not doing as they command” is true, then I gotta wonder what world you live in. Nothing is that simple. If you don’t have some serious reservations about both candidates, then you haven’t been paying attention.

    Interestingly your comment “One candidate likes people, wants them to have jobs, make money and be happy. The other hates people and wants to punish us for not doing as they command” could very easily apply to either candidate, depending on your view.

    • 2hotel9

      It is simple, one hates people, the other likes people. I will go with the one who likes people.

      • Tony

        That is not an improvement. If anything, it’s worse.

        Try again.

        • 2hotel9

          This is America, so continue to vote for people who hate you. That has been working SO well, hasn’t it?

    • 2hotel9

      See? Simple choice, America won.

  3. Michmike

    Look, I dislike Hillary intensely BUT if Trump gets elected I fear that the 2nd amendment will be the least of of our concerns. I wish we had another republican to vote for but no we are left with the 2 worst possible choices and Trump is in my opinion just plain unstable among other things but he is a threat to our national security. Hillary lies and tries to cover them up but the Donald just lies out in the open to your face and then if you disagree he says they have an agenda or are lying etc.

    I have a daughter and I worry that if trump is elected then she is in danger because all he worries about responding to people who have said bad things about him. He is a man who has very very low self esteem and he lashes out at those who he thinks have insulted him or have the nerve to even question him about things he is on record as having said. Hillary I know will at least not decide at 2am that he wants to fire some missiles at someone as he is thin skinned.

    The way I see it is we have no choice but to not let him get in office and then we can attempt to repair the damage that Hillary has done but at worst she will be more of the same and will be a place holder. Yes I know she will be appointing Supreme Court justices but we have no other viable choices. I am baffled as to why people think he will be able to keep his shit together when someone challenges him. He is a con man and look at the record about what he really thinks because he has stated it numerous times. Please use critical thinking skills and do not cut off your nose to spite your face and look at things logically.

    Let’s have the attacks on me because I wrote this but know I am a vet and gun owner and I plan to vote. God help us all we will need it.

    • 2hotel9

      God helped us all. Now your daughters have less to fear from misogynist rapist defenders in the Democrat Party. You are welcome.

  4. 2hotel9

    Oh, and I am linking this to several fence sitting Fudds I know.

  5. 2hotel9

    It is a simple choice. One candidate likes people, wants them to have jobs, make money and be happy. The other hates people and wants to punish us for not doing as they command. We all know how #2 feels about guns, capitalism and private property ownership, so why would anyone in their right mind pick #2.

    Damn, that is vague and wishywashy enough to be printed by CNN! I am thoroughly ashamed of myself and will see to it that it never happens again.

    • Tony

      Already called you on it.


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